Jan 12, 2020

From Adam

 New Year's Eve

 New Year's Day


Happy New Year !

Well, we have survived a few close calls over here the past few weeks and the cleanup continues for us here on the NSW South Coast , the water is just filthy with blacken leaves and ash with the air quality varying daily from putrid smoke ridden to partial clean sort of breathable air , but not complaining  too much as some communities south of us have been wiped out altogether and only just having power and other essential services restored , lots to be done in the coming 12 months!
Stay Safe
 Neal has been helping out heaps with the use of his buggy to run supplies along the beach to stranded communities and now is helping with food stations for the native wildlife.


1 comment:

tuskedbeast said...

Thanks for sharing that. Good for Neil. We in California went through a smaller version of what Australia is experiencing for the last two years and can relate.
You get rid of your leader and we'll get rid of ours, what do you say? :)