Jun 27, 2012

Become A Mat Surfer And Make $1000!!!

One of the most frequent anecdotes we hear goes something like this:

"I got a mat, been riding it for a year...so stoked I decided to sell all my boards!"

If you think this through from a purely economical perspective (which is probably a foreign concept to anyone reading, or writing, this blog) the cost of a new mat is around 200 bucks in 'Mericun dollars. That waterlogged pile of, uh, foam and fiberglass in your garage is probably worth 5 times that on Craig's List. More on Ebay. Even more on the UKMS Classifieds. So get a mat, get stoked, unload your old boards, and take your SO out for a night on the town!


  1. Just read the blog on surfmatters "I got a mat, been riding it for a year...so stoked

    I decided to sell all my boards!"
    I've been matsurfing now for about a year or 7 ( so still green behind the ears!) (it's a Dutch expression, don't know if it has the same meaning in English).

    And to blog is so true, actually i've sold my last longboard last month!

    Matsurfing totally changed my way of feeling and thinking when i'm in the water. It's the speed and knowing that you just surf on a piece of air that makes it looks like simple.

    But it isn't simple. Its craftmanship!

    I'm stoked to be a matsurfer. Your mats brought me that feeling.
    Can't thank you enough for that!
    Keep up the good work Paul.




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