Jul 24, 2012

From Frank...

Hi Paul,

We've been on Bald Head Island NC since July 14. Have had several days of good waves. I'm having a ball riding Fatty.

Stoked to receive compliments from the local surf crowd. Lots if questions and oohs and ahhs when beach goers note the portability. I brought Surfer's Journal with Inflatable Dreams article. Thanks to you I'm living the dream this trip.

Monday's waves brought out the best in Fatty. And I'm a more experienced pilot now and on better form than when we first arrived.

The Fatty held it's position on right and left faces. It is night and day compared to my two "Drugstore" four-pontoon mats I also brought. The performance of your three pontoon design is superb. I'm living the descriptions offered by Dale Solomonson, Kenny Hughes, and George G. In Surfer's Journal. And on the website.

I only wish I had this 4GF Fatty mat a decade ago. I love surfing but I love Mat Surfing even more. I like staying busy.

Thanks and best wishes, Frank

Pic of me holding Fatty below...

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