Jul 30, 2012

From Surf Sister...

I went down to the Paipo Fest at Scripps pier on Sunday. It was great fun. I stayed on the mat through 98% of it. I traded my mat for a handplane at one point. But the guy I traded with had a strap that didn't fit my smaller hand and he couldn't handle the mat in those conditions. The waves were actually pumping. But quite a few folks showed up with mats. We definitely were out there representing!

These two were the team to watch!



  1. I had the wave just before this and turned around just in time to see dad disappear in the tube, I could only see the little girls' head sticking out of the barrel. She had a huge smile on her face for the next hour. MAT RIDER FOR LIFE!

  2. So stoked I have returned to my roots of mat riding! I rode the old converse when growing up. It is nice to pass on my stoke and love to my daughter Sarah as well. Pendo & Cher hooked me up last year when my back went out and I was unable to surf. It has been magic ever since! The more I use it the more I love it. I travel 75% of the year and now can just pack my fins and mat to catch a quick session any where in the world. My daughter is fast becoming a full on Mermaid. We are still groms but learn something every time we hit the surf. Thank you all for providing the stoke and inspiration!

  3. Ricardo Montalban in Wrath of Khan vs Olivia Newtonjohn in Grease?

  4. It was nice to meet you too, Henry! Please stay tuned for the mat signal. It will eventually be lit once the ocean turns on for us. (Now where have those pesky SW swells run off to?)


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