Jul 26, 2012

From Tim...

Hi Paul,

I just read your post "Tips From the Pros: Part Two!" Great stuff that I have to try as soon as possible, but right now there are no waves in sight here in Sweden.

Recently I returned from three weeks of surfing in France. The most used surfcraft in my quiver were my mats. Actually I used them 3 out of 4 times and the other times I went out with a longboard.

Compared to last year I did much better and I had a lot of fun on the mats. There were also frustrating moments, especially when the waves were fast and steep. Sometimes I just didn't manage to generate speed and did not feel in control. Other times my rides were just a blast. Super smooth, buttery drops, accelerating fast and speeding high along the wave. Several times I ended up laughing loudly at the end of such a ride. Why do I never do this on my surfboards?

I just wish I could surf more consistently, with more control. On the other hand that's what makes mat riding so fun for me. It's new, challenging and I'm just at the beginning. Thanks again for the great mats and the new sensations they provide!

By the way I just published a new video...surfing a standing wave in Munich. I know that I wouldn't have had nearly that much fun on a surfboard.

I hope you like it!

Kind regards


Three more great vids from Tim...


  1. Unreal! You could practice so much technique on a test track like that : )

  2. Good Stuff! I love the view from up above

  3. Always love your stuff Tim. Brilliant.


  4. Hi Paul,

    I'm stoked that you posted my videos on your site. It's a real honor!

    Regarding the wave at the Flosslände:

    I have been there a couple of times with my brother and it was never as good as last Sunday.

    According to the locals the wave is only rideable if there's enough water flowing through the ramp. The wave starts small at the beginning of the ramp like in the second scene of the video and then, with more water flowing through, it gets bigger and is pushed back right under the bridge.

    The locals said that during summertime the wave is working consistently in the afternoons which fits with my observation. We got there at 11am and the wave started to work at 1pm. All other surfers showed up at that time as well.

    You probably know that there's also the "Eisbach" wave right in the center of Munich. Now that I know that riding a surfmat is the way to do it I have to try it the next time I'm in town.


    At the moment there's even a temporary artificial wave at the Munich airport. Looks like they are building it every summer. My brother tried it last year but did not manage to surf it properly. But now on a surfmat ... I wonder how this would be.


    It definitely fun to surf a standing wave, but I would prefer real waves any day! Riding a standing wave feels like you are glued on the spot. The water is moving, but you don't feel the speed and the acceleration that a mat provides. Maybe it's just different.

    And one question...

    ... do you know of any other mat riders in Sweden?

    Kind regards


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