Dec 26, 2014

From Aaron ...

Best mat wave I have ever had, one of the best tubes in recent memory. So glad the moment was captured. For three days after this ride people were still stoked and talking about it!
I took off and was almost immediately in the tube behind the lip. My head poked out briefly twice, first after 6-8 seconds and the second time after 4-6 seconds. The third disappearance lasted another 4-6 seconds.
The mat was the Omni with the DRP rails. It held the wave flawlessly, best edge hold of any of the mats. It really lets the rider focus more on getting deeper than worrying as much about losing grip on the face. It is also fast and catches waves well. I have ridden some other types of mats plus all my 4GF mats and can say with confidence that the new bottom is pure genius.
Thank you for awesome mats!



  1. Yea Aaron
    love that wave when the sand is right and tide is low....

  2. What kinda rails? I'm interested!

  3. He's referring the DRP rails, which all 4GF mats have had for the past year or so.



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