Dec 4, 2014

From That Guy With The Effin' Pool Mat ...

Hey Paul!
My friend put together a short video of some of my matting on the river this summer.  Hats off to him for the trippy edit.
Shows 3 or 4 different waves in our area.  Man is it ever exhausting matting some of these!  
All the best.


  1. Man thats inspiring ! How long can you ride for ? would it be possible to ride all afternoon and into the night time ?
    Regards Bretto

  2. Indeed Bretto, if your body can handle it!

    I've ridden some of these waves on a board for well over an hour. Usually have to drop down to knees/prone to rest the legs and feet a bit. On a mat i've probably done 20 minutes


  3. I´ll come by next year with a mat.
    Stood and watched a few weeks back - hadn´t brought my stuff for the 24hr stay - and regretted it:-(

    Salut a Montreal

  4. who wrote the tunes?


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