Oct 15, 2011

I'm Too Sexy for My Mat

Not really. I do, however, wonder why it is I make these faces when I'm on my mat. Perhaps it's the result of flying down the face on a magic towel. Who knows.

Tremor and I hit what is probably my favorite L.A. mat spot yesterday. I swear, I spend as much time laughing as I do making these faces. I do remember running over T's legs at one point. That had me howling. He'll have to tell you about the board surfer who almost lost his $#%@ when he saw Tremor barreling toward him. Apparently, the guy was smart enough to duck under the water and T went right over him. No harm, no foul.

Go find a wave or two to mat, people!

Oct 10, 2011

Elaina's First Mat Go-Out...

paul- thanks for the nice shoutie on your blog, lots of traffic coming my way! here are a couple photos of our family friend elaina on her first mat excursion. she did super well, picking off set waves and trimming up the mat. stoked!

alrighty, have a fun day. thanks again,


Is It Time To Panic???

Surfer Magazine re-discovers mat surfing...

Oct 9, 2011

Marc and Esther in France...

Hi Paul,

Just came back from France (Lacanau). We have had a very good week in a lovely France house.

Nice weather the hole week with 4/5 foot waves. I had great rides on different mats (XL,Vespa and the UDT).

In Holland the swell kicks in, so i'm out for another wave!

Speak to you soon.



Oct 8, 2011

From Daniel...

Fatty mats working great out here in sc, thanks man


Oct 1, 2011

From Jarrett Adult Entertainment!

Tireless "inflatable talent scout" JJ has unearthed another gem!