Hope all is well mate.
As a SCUMM update ,
Phil Harper has finally retired from work , built a new house and
moved to a new location ( Dolphin Point ) so a quick 10 minute peddle (
e-bike) up the hill and onto the ocean!!
I parted with one of
my Standard mats that you made to good mate Dean Dampney who tore
his mat after riding up on the rocks so with myself just about to start
some holiday time we decided to meet at one of our favorite mat haunts
and share a couple of waves before he had to leave . This place has
always been a favorite amongst the mat riding fraternity as you can see
by this black and white photo from the early 70's ( one flipper only) I
also caught up with the Mad Mooka Boys formally known as Sub SCUMM , the
following weekend with 7 of us floating around in the Ocean and spoke
with Gavin Dickson who grandfathers all of us in mat riding , still
riding one of your mats and original flippers after 14 years of riding
the reefs down here , so a good testament to the quality of your mats !
I have attached some video from the morning with Deano.
Take care and all the best to the family!!