Mar 5, 2025

From The Tusked Beast


Hey Paul,

Hope you're well. Had one more good surf in Taranaki before we took off for Auckland, where one third of New Zealanders live (hence the term "Jafa", Just Another Fucking Aucklander). Sunrise...challenging head high jacking peaks breaking top-to-bottom on a rock reef. Intimidating until I caught one and the Lotus did it's thing...

Hey- I want to ask you if you'd "amplify" this on SurfMatters. No problem if it's out of bounds. But you know we have this wonderful new park in SF, a pedestrian repurposing of the oceanfront Great Highway approved last November, and it's time to give it a name. I'm trying to rally votes for Ocean Beach's Carol Schuldt, the consummate neurodivergent hippie surf goddess native resident who passed away in 2018, age 85. Here's the link to the voting portal:

...and here's a website with links to read about her and her life:

She wasn't a mat rider to my knowledge. She was something better- a naked body surfer. At OB.

Again, dismiss if it isn't relevant, or rather, too damn irrelevant!


From Mikey