Was just thinking about how I chucked "hardboarding" well over a year ago, and have since been exclusively matting. Recently I've been surfing at least five days a week in boardshorts with no rash.
Something has clicked and I can now zoom all over the waves like a shortboarder. Vertical climbs and drops, whip cutbacks with big banks off the foam, stalling high and deep in the pit, huge roundhouses... Partly to do with carefully tuning inflation due to leaving the Standard and Fatty pumped up all the way and slowly arriving at ideal settings for large and small waves. Mostly just cumulative experience. Even the local kids on their bodyboards are noticing the level of performance.
I'm super-stoked and ultra-appreciative!
Cheers Mate,
Mat Max
P.S. I'm also using my mats for furniture since there's no couch or easy chair in my apartment!
From PG: More on Mat Max's inflatable lifestyle.
He frequents the local pub...
He gets in a round of golf almost everyday...
He often goes to the library and reads up on inflatable Greek history...

He enjoys the occasional movie about inflatable characters on his inflatable flat screen...
Calls to friends are a daily enjoyment...
As is listening to his killer record collection...

Motor racing still coarses through his veins...
And of course, the fairer sex is never far from his mind...
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