The great
Open Culture site has posted news that Popular Science Magazine and Google now have a
searchable archive of Popular Science magazine available. Given PS's long history (it's the 5th oldest running publication in US history) and breadth of topics covered, this is a treasure trove for geeks everywhere.
Type in the word "surfing," and you get 216 hits. Granted, their use of the word "surfing" is liberal, entailing everything from riding waves, to sailboarding (covered in 1972!), to
powered surfboards, to watching television, to surfing the interent. But there are a few board building articles from the foggy ruins of time. Great stuff, in a time capsule kind of way.
Or say, for instance, you'd like to see what they have on Greenough. Just type in his name, and you get led to
this. In the same, August 1969 issue, inflatable wetsuits are introduced on page 106!
The searching/scrolling app on the archive site is a little crude -- I guess with so much material stored, it would be -- but the foresight and information in any given issue of Popular Science is amazing.