2014 was the 30th anniversary of 4th Gear Flyer Surf Mats...so on those grounds alone, it was a banner year for us. But there was a lot more happening than that!
4GF splurged on a new computer system...
Mister Dirk filmed mat riding while wearing the Andy Warhol t-shirt he bought on Ebay...
Elvis was spotted on Maui...still alive, and pursuing his passion for inflatable water sports...
Self confessed mat addict Kendog trimmed his non-matting budget and became a regular at Walmart...
The Italians really got into the whole surf school thing, as only they can...
Miss Lube Rack and Miss Polish Job finally received their well deserved crowns...
Surfline topped the charts with the quote of the year...
A 4GF rider (name withheld by request) proved once-and-for-all his mat was tougher than he was...
Inflatable aqua solar panels finally caught up with air mat design...
Bretto continued his quest for duck diving excellence by studying the techniques of local board riders...
Wacky beach images flooded the internet...
And Sophia Loren was voted "Best Mat Rider, Still Water Category" for the 48th year running...
4GF wishes you a great 2015!