Feb 26, 2017

Last Saturday In Florida ...


I had a blast yesterday. The Polara and the Fatty performed well! It wasn't exactly what I expected from the forecast, but it didn't matter, my face hurts from smiling! I surfed for 5 hours and I am super sore today!

It was a strange swell as it often is here. I think I ran out of gas before I figured it out, but man was it fun trying! I wasn't able to connect from the outside to the inside, but I did catch some amazing closeout barrels! I can still see the face heaving over me and the door slamming shut as if it's in slow motion. I dropped in a little too low a few times and got caught by the lip horizontally, each time I was driven to the ocean floor and pinned for a few seconds. It was like being body slammed by a giant, and frankly I enjoyed it ;)!

Thank you for building a surf craft I can experience such things on. The day was full of smiles, friends, and Joy. I couldn't have asked for a better Saturday powered by 4GF!

I was so excited I forgot the GoPro in the car :( and didn't remember it until I was exhausted. I've got all the memories though and they will last a lifetime!

This was the only photo Chris got from yesterday.

I need to plan a trip to a point break soon! Any recommendations?

Super Stoked,


Fun in Jupiter!


Feb 21, 2017

Surf Mats: Backbeat Of The Beach Culture ...


Feb 18, 2017

From Rob ...



Last Saturday was blast! The surf was small but Chris and I had a ton of fun! The first two are me, and the last one was my attempt to get Chris with my finger in the frame :). I think that's a look of concentration on my face in the first picture...I promise I'm having a blast!!! Keep spreading the Stoke! I Love these vehicles of Joy!

Super Stoked,


Feb 17, 2017

Feb 14, 2017

She Was Warned ...

She was given an explanation...

Nevertheless, she persisted...