You can't make this stuff up ...
May 31, 2018
May 29, 2018
Oily Re-Surfaces
The Bombora
Da Bolt and Gilligan's
Hey Paul,
Hope this finds you all happy and healthy.
Well, it's been a while since we SCUMMbags have sent any stoke your
way and just in case you’d forgotten us, I'll drop you a line or two.
The colder weather is slowly taking grasp..
its been a long time coming the winter swells and they have slowly
started delivering energy for us to use and abuse…
A couple of grabs from a session we affectionately call Monuments.. and some others from another session at Gilligans
and of course a little movie of the mornings adventure.
Be safe, take care my friend..
May 27, 2018
From Mikey
I opened the box and it looked like a flower.
Thanks Paul.
I took it out that same afternoon and it's really fast !
Mikey, M.O.A.
May 26, 2018
Fretless Surfing
Not being a stand up bass player, or a violinist, I can only surmise what the freedom tinged with challenge playing a fretless string instrument would be like. And yet, I instantly related to mat surfing in those terms.
The most obvious analogy to a fretless instrument would be a "finless" surfcraft, which of course would include matting. But there's something deeper to this idea as it pertains to mats, which I can't really put my finger on.
Additionally, mat surfing is devoid of the ''fret'' associated with conventional surfing, in terms of competing for "good" waves in a crowd. So it works on that level to.
I wish I had more to say, but I don't. Please share your thoughts in the comment section, and maybe we can round out this concept.
May 22, 2018
Do You Hear 'Standard' Or 'Omni?'
A carefully recorded track of air being released from a surfmat has been circulating on the World Wide Web!
Some mat riders -- just under 50% -- hear the word "Standard.''
Another 49.99% hear "Omni.''
According to leading psychologists, the breakdown seems to fall along personality lines...
The Standard people are outgoing, gregarious, and anxious to connect with others in a positive and caring way. They are intelligent, humorous, and full of good will.
The Omni people are somewhat more withdrawn, but will answer the call of others when needed, and are selfless in their concern for the well being of plants, animals and people. And, like the Standard folks, they radiate warmth and intelligence.
Most likely, you fit one of those two categories.
The remaining 1/10 of 1% hear the word "Vespa." This is the troubled sector of humanity, for whom help is of little it either personal counseling or pharmaceutical in nature. As we speak, these dregs of society are being rounded up by totalitarian tech firms and shipped off to "readjustment camps." If you fall in this rare category -- thankfully, the odds against that are roughly 1000 to 1 -- you're advised to seek shelter immediately.
May 18, 2018
From Anthony
Hi Paul,
The SW swell was pumping yesterday. I
filmed a few of the boys on their mats and wanted to show you the waves I
matted yesterday on the Lotus SS. The wave of the day is Drain Pipe,
it’s fickle but insane when it breaks. The mats was perfect for the end
section where speed is needed and having a soft mat pays off if you
don’t make it. Enjoy the short video!
May 16, 2018
Women In Early Wetsuit Marketing
Women figured prominently in the first-gen wetsuit advertising paradigm. It's obvious that the depicted ''divers'' are models in wetsuits -- as opposed to real sea creatures in their natural habitat, like these three...
Gobs of images from that era here ...
May 11, 2018
From The Tusked Beast
Hi Paul,
Something to contemplate here in San Francisco, instead of the blown-out spring surf.
Besides the obvious omission of our most significant artist working in the inflatable medium, it looks pretty cool.
Here's a quote from one of the artists that you might relate to:
Jimmy Kuehnle’s inflated artworks engage his audiences with a playful sense of the unexpected. “I try to find the line between the spectacle and the absurd,” he says. “If I can make something that you can’t quite put in a category, then maybe there’s going to be a short circuit and you’ll have a genuine interaction.”
Links to the inflatable artists... here here here and here
Hope you are well!
-- J.H.
May 6, 2018
Spring Testimonials Spring Eternal
I spent two hours (with a 30 min break in between) surfing the most Beautiful 4’ Waves! We are really are Blessed to be able to Experience moments like this in the Ocean! All morning Mark and I surfed with Pelicans and Dolphins. What a Magical Experience! Ryman has been sidelined with an injury but he came out and took some pictures today. He sent me a couple of pics to tide me over. I’m icing and stretching now and reflecting on some of my Visions! I had been taking what I’d learned how to do on these mats for granted, I will do my best to never let that happen again. I’m still Buzzing from the waves I caught!
Yeeeeewwwwww! I hope your getting Salty and having some Visions of your own! The Omni Rips....that is all 😁! Positive Vibes and Healing Energy!
Super Stoked,
Dear Paul,
Having such a ball on the Fatty!
I found a wave nearby with no one
one it and I am getting the hang
of this mat after years of not riding
the original 4th gear flyer that my
wife now rides full time. And as human
nature goes,now My curiosity is peaking,
Would i do better on the XL or even
the UDT? ultimately I just want one
mat that works all around but i don't
picture taking it out when the surf
is huge,i imagine still riding a board
on big days. my question,i am wondering
if there is any chance you have a loaner
of an XL or a UDT? I could pay shipping
and test it out,I am just so curious.
And i totally understand if you don't
I am just wondering...when i see
george greenough who i believe is
a smaller person than me he often
looks small in comparison to his
mat and i am wondering if that same
ratio would be beneficial to me.
thank you Paul for all you do,
i shared the mat experience
with my friend mark who will
be ordering one soon. we are hooked!
Hey Paul,
Hope you are well.
Been meaning to get back to you on the Fatty I just got from you.
Well I have taken it out a couple of times in real junky waves and have had A LOT of fun. Yes, I have a ways to go on the learning curve but never lost the mat, never quite slid out like a skipping rock. Do have to work on not arching back and leaning hard into the wave, bringing my lower body a bit more onto the mat and not dragging my legs. What got me out of the water every time has been fatigued legs...
I did however have a few waves where I was right in the right spot going down the face at that perfect angle, and I felt it, that is what I want sooooo much more of, an entirely different feel and stoke. I'm hooked!
Now that I'm more comfortable I will take it out on some cleaner days.
Thanks again for making such a lovely craft!
Hi Paul
Greetings from Oahu..just wanted to let you know how much we're enjoying the mats...really fun in all kinds of surf!
Thank you again!

Paul, thanks for the info.
I'm in San Diego and the mat been awesome !! If fact, I took it up to moss landing (Monterey area) a few weeks ago for my brother to try and I think he just bought one from you also - might remember Jay Nolet.
Thanks again,
I was shocked to see a 4GF box on my door step when I came home today, and moved to tears that you made me these so fast so I wouldn't miss out on the coming swell!
Thank you so much, I'm hoping I can put them to good use in the coming days! I really can't put into words how surprised and happy I was by this delivery!
The surf has been really fun today, and it will hopefully build into tomorrow! I surfed the Vespa RT SS as the tide was filling in this morning and the Polara SS as it started to improve a little bit after lunch. I may have to go out for an evening session now! You've got me all pumped up again! Poor Chris was stuck in a cubicle overwriting loans so I may see if he can break away and catch a couple.
I wish I could bottle this Stoke and send it to you! Lots of positive vibes and healing energy coming your way my Friend!
Thanks so much for what you do, I'd be lost without this! You inspire me, and that's what living this life is all about, connecting with people that prompt positive growth and change in your own lives! The world needs more of that, and I plan to pay it forward! We've got so much Stoke Spread! Yeeeeewww! I'm so excited to ride these!
Super Stoked,
Rob Pollard
The Mat arrived, Thanks for the quick service. Can't wait to try it...... Will let you know in a few weeks after our Baja trip.
Hi Paul
Thanks for the mat. It arrived fine. Really pleased with it. Fatty paddles and catches waves out back good as my longboard Took it out in head high, bit messy stuff yesterday and had a blast 👍🏻
Best regards,
Hi Paul, hi Gloria,
greetings from SD! My wife Susan and I grew up in SD and have been matting it up at Lj Shores for about 10 years using a couple of Redback mats from Australia. After yearly patching with kits, Flex-Seal (as seen on TV!) and lastly (and ineffectively) the new clear Gorilla Repair Tape, I was asked to finally accept defeat and let them go. That was about a week ago.
The weather and the water have been too great here, and last weekend we packed up the car and headed downtown (La Jolla) to Mitch’s. I had called to ask if they had any stock 4GF’s and they said they did have two. We got one out (Omni) and talked about 4 channel vs. 3 channel with the staff. Nobody had a lot of experience with mats so didn’t ever really get the skinny on the main differences. Anyway, we inflated one to see what they look like and it was such a quantum-leap forward from the Redbacks (with black handles that leak at the seams nearly from day-1) with the slick bottom and compact form and unbelievable weight difference! We were stoked to get back on our mats, so took a deep breath and bought the two mats they had, an Omni and a Tracker!
We drove from the shop straight to the shores, set up around Tower 33 and started blowing them up. Paid attention to the “bend” suggestions found on your site, etc. Surf was small (2-4 ft.) but it was great getting to know the new rules and technique for balance, steering and propulsion. We both caught waves we wouldn’t have ever been able to using previous mats that we owned. Totally hooked!
Thanks, we’re super stoked to be on our 4Gf’s!
-Aaron and Sooz Serafino

Cool! Thx for the mat. I'm pumped! (No pun intended!!!)
thanks! heard about these from kyle fields by way of mark sgarzi!!!
Omni received! Thanks Mr. Gross
I’ll give this mat a test run in the morning!
All the best,
Ara Peterson
Wow, mats arrived. Incredibly fast service!
We love our mats! Thank you! My friend Kyle up in Decker canyon has been super into his and now I get it! So stoked you're making these!
Howdy Paul, awesome turnaround and service!!! Thanx. Can't wait to get them wet & report back. Cheers Mark

Hi Paul
Thanks for the quick turnaround 👍🏻
More so, thanks for the whole thing.
Like many, I’ve been buying and swapping surfboards for years, searching for that one magic board.
Having had the opportunity to discover mat surfing, I’m now finally there - It’s the hidden pot of gold!
Best regards,
I got remarried so now I have a 12 and 14 year boys. They should get a kick out of your raft. My older son (34) told me that he thought that it was probably more fun growing up in the 1970's than in the 1990's. I had to agree with him. We got away with a lot. I try to keep the freedom that we enjoyed back then alive so my kids can experience some of it.
Hello Paul ,
i received my Omni on the 20th in France so that was a quick delivery ! (you had sent it only 5 days earlier ).
I’m really happy with the mat, even if i haven’t been able to try it in the water yet. I will for sure let you know when i do.
Best regards and thanks again for the craft.
Hi Paul
Got my mat on Friday. Way stoked. Thanks
Showed it to my kids and son-in-law this weekend and they were way into it.
So I want to buy another mat to have as an extra when they come to town.
They weigh a bit more than me. Come in around 180 lbs, 5'10' to 6' 2". They are in their mid-late thirties. They will ride the same type of wave as me, nothing huge.
Wow. I wasn't expecting it so soon. Thanks!
Jalama John

Hi, Paul
You made me my 1st mat (standard) on the 12th and I'm back again for #2. Took my wife out yesterday and she had so much fun I need another. I ordered a fatty for her, not that she's fat but, I might be using it too !
Thanks in advance
Rob Ames
Hi Paul,
Thanks for the shipping notice. I'm really looking forward to the challenge (and fun) that awaits.
My good friend Sam Powers down in Oceanside raves about your models. Happy to now see for myself.
Have a great weekend,
Thanks for the confirmation Paul,
really looking forward to the mat - will take it to Java/ Indonesia next month.
Hi Paul,
I just been to visit my friends in Florida and opened my new Surf mat package.
The Vespa Round tail looks great! I'm very pleased with the Vespa and just wanted to thank you for your help and communication., stoked!
Many thanks and best wishes
Hi Paul, mat got here today about 3 oclock. surf came in about 4. we went to our well known secret spot and had the best waves all summer!! Mat was Awsome!! Loved the deck hold . Truly a Fun ride thanks so much!!
gary XL ss
Hey Paul,
Finally got a chance to take out the omni and thought I'd let you know how it went. First surf was in cayucos beach break, sort of dumpy/onshore and challenging to navigate but it was remarkably easy to paddle, get into waves, and get into trim. Even though I had no idea what I was doing (still don't) it was really hard to stop smiling!
Next surf was proper, glassy head high fast and sometimes tubing at the hook in Santa Cruz. Highish tide on the inside bowl, pumping south swell. Holy crap! Never have felt so much like I was flying while surfing!
Thanks again! So stoked to explore the world of mat riding.
Andy OBrien

Hey Paul,
Just wanted to drop you a note that I love the new XL mat. We've had a poor summer surf season here but I finally was able to get it out in decent waves (3-5 ft) at Sunset Cliffs and Swami's, with great results. No action pics yet, but am working on it!
Thanks again,
That mat!
The materials and finish are beautiful. Certainly beyond what I deserve. Can't wait to kick this into some point surf! Will send full report, photos, etc.
Scott Hulet
Hey Paul,
Got the mat today. Thanks for the crazy fast service. It's huge up here now. I'll take it down to my favorite reef north of Santa Cruz Sunday morning and try it out in some real waves. Can't wait. Thanks again.
Had a couple of surfs on the udt so far. It feels quite big in the water. Like driving a cadillac. Very much like lounge chair surfing. Very comfortable in the 4’ waves. Had a couple of good runs on it. It was running quite floppy by the time the cool water flattened it somewhat, but it still went well. Thanks again Gloria and Paul. It seems to hold a good line when I lift the front outside corner and lean into a bottom turn. More people asking me about it. Some said they want to get one.Thanks.
Paul Sinclair
Hey Paul,
I bought an Omni from you a few weeks back.
I live in Sonoma County, so we were displaced from our house for a week by the fires, and our place missed being wiped out by a block.
Needless to say, it's been a very stressful few weeks here.
I finally got to take the mat out this morning. I bought it with this spot in mind. We got our first XL swell this weekend, and most places were maxed out.
We have a south facing spot that is super fickle...but can be fun. It needs a big NW swell and a high tide. Even then, it can be nothing but close outs.
Perfect to try out the mat.
Holy shit! I felt like a kid again.
I can see there is a learning curve. I am used to driving off the rail and fins of my surfboard. This obviously needs more finesse. I realize I need to flow more and try to force less.
Everything happens so fast. I made sections I would have never made on a surfboard. Still, there were times I was sliding sideways, totally out of control. Nothing but fun.
Bottom line, it was a blast. Excited to learn more.
Thanks for answering all my questions and making the process as easy as possible.
This thing is a keeper.
Paul Puntous

I just rode the Standard for the first time, wow! Basically felt like I was stealing barrels in the shore pound when I could have been bodysurfing.
For a blunt tool the Standard sure is a sharp instrument!
Can’t wait to get some more time on it.
Hey paul!
The two 4gf's have arrived safe and sound!
We have creedled along small point break conditions and are in love with the mats. We are looking forward to riding the mats in a range of conditions and really feeling them out.
Thanks Paul
Kindest regards
©rowe And $ima!!
I look at all the videos I can about mats . I can learn a lot about how they work . For example Chad seneky riding a mat at Huntington Beach looks like he is going really fast and passing surfboards like they are standing still . He looks a lot faster than I go most of the time . I have seen greenough vids also where he is going pretty fast .
I have lost 82 ponds and 12 inches in my waist since I ordered my mats from you a few years ago . I am Moving through the water much faster these days all that girth around my belly was really slowing me down .
I now weigh around 188 pounds give or take and am slightly above 6 feet one inches tall some height sticks show 6 '1" and some show 6'2" so I call it at 6 '1.5"
I really enjoy ride my mats and would love to increase my down the line speed , Glide and catching waves early . As well as overall performance .
Thanks for your time and reply always appreciated .
Best regards ,
Marc levine
Hi, Paul.
I've already got the mat and I want you to know that I am extremely pleased with its performance.
I followed your instructions on how to use it and I felt great from the very beginning.
I had lots of fun, even in my first wave.
I enjoyed a first day in a little bit fat waiste to chest high conditions and a second one in clean and more hollow chest high waves... more challenging and even more fun... if possible.
Your Omni has more than met my extremely high expectations.
I just want to repeat how pleased I am. I think I could never thank you enough!!!
My best

Cool, Thanks Paul. You really take this matt business seriously. I like it.
Thanks Paul! It arrived today! Looking forward to taking it for a spin!
Wardie sends a big hi!
All the best,
So, excited! despite his son saying he wouldn't be caught dead on one, James asked me yesterday if we should get one as he'd been looking at them at a surf shop in Solana Beach (!) had to tell him to back off it's Christmas!
thanks so much,
Hi Paul,
Hope things are going good for you, and the illness you had in the early summer has or is healing! Im sorry I haven’t wrote this sooner, but I spose better late then never.. THANKYOU! For the surf mats, we love them! And have been having sooo much fun with them! Some of my fondest times from the last summer was with them! They surf with the waves beautifully, and are comfy to paddle round an chill on. A few times we went on joyous hikes through the forest with them to secluded beaches, where it would be difficult to carry surfboards, but a breeze with the mats. A 20 something year old friend told me, with radiant giggling smile that she felt like she was 4 years old again whilst playing with one! I think many of us can relate..
obviously we’re looking forward to many more moments with them:)
Anywho, much love from Adam and friends!
Currently living around Tofino, British Columbia
G,day Paul.
Just clocking in from Aust ,I bought a couple of mats from you around 2012,Totally stoked .getting older and coming off a hamstring injury so I find I use the mat more and more rather than a surfboard ,plus can enjoy the beach breaks and avoid the crowds? Get Strange looks but no one seems to bother you as much on a mat and usually get the standard comment of ,I haven’t seen one of those for years .One is a Tracker and I cant remember what the other one is as I have lent it to a mate and haven’t seen him or it for a few years now?
I ran into an old mate just the other day here on the coast and he was walking up the beach with his new 4th gear flyer ,a rare sight so we got to chatting and he said you may have been a bit crook of late and mats may be on hold ,hope you get well ASAP .
Cheers .
PS may I just say I do have the best time in some very shitty surf when there are no other options but ride a mat and majority of the time come in from a session totally STOKED ….thanks.

Hi Paul, I was just watching the new videos on your surfmatter site. What struck me was just how much joy everyone gets out of their mat riding. There is very little that makes me as happy as a good mat session.
Thanks so much for making all of these great wave riding craft.
Rich Hartman
Hey Paul,
I wanted you to know that since I got the mat, I have not been on my paddle board at all, and have only been on my surfboards once.
The mat has been the call every time. And, when I was on my surfboard, I kept thinking I would be getting more waves and having a better time on the mat.
We were in Baja over Thanksgiving week, and will be in Huntington Beach after Christmas, and the mat is the perfect travel companion.
Thinking of ordering another one....either the Fatty or the Standard. Tough choice.
Paul Puntous
Hey Paul,
I just picked up the Omni mat from the post office today, took it out in clean 3-5' conditions this eve at my local spot..
Wow, this thing is unreal!! I turned and caught one crumbly insider on the paddle out and already could feel the glide.. got some smiles and chuckles from some friends in the lineup, then when the first set that came through I got a chunky right, slid out a bit, then got the rail in and found the line. Highline through the fast section, faded back through the slow fat section, then fast line right under the hook through the inside; way longer ride than I usually get with the rights! Giggling and smiling the whole way back out😁. And dealing with the strong side/outgoing current running though the lineup was chill..
Got a buncha more fun waves though some fast sections and the inside bowl.. slid out once on a late drop sending me through the rinse-cycle gripping the mat the whole time🙈. But the feel, and direct somatic feedback from the wave is incredible on this thing! So much more to learn, can't wait to dial it in some more.
I will be ordering one soon for my lady too, she's gonna love it too! Which one is good for ~130lbs rider in smaller waves.?
Thanks again,
Howdy Paul,
I was amazed and stoked to find your package on my doorstep this afternoon!
My new 4GF Standard, shipped 12/22/2017 from California to Victoria, Australia in 8 days... staggering!!
Even more astounding, there were waves this arvo. I surfed my local point break, uncrowded, waist to head high and had a blast.
I was a little hesitant to fork over the greenbacks for an imported mat but had heard nothing but good about the 4GF range.
So, cut to the chase, my first surf, first impressions -
The deck material is ideal, not too slippy, not too grippy.
Paul, I'm stoked!
Only my first surf but in very fun waves. She didn't put a pontoon wrong.
Can't wait to do it again. Maybe tomorrow?
Swell is supposed to be kick some more ;))
Thanks so much mate,
Trust your both well, and focused on 2018 and the positive things ahead .
Life here is pretty much the same, however increasing idiocy in the surf culture, with more crowds.
Moving to less crowded breaks, to maintain sanity and safety.
And your still churning out those magnificent 4th Gear Flyers, which never cease to amaze me to this day..
Hope your managing to get some uncrowded waves?
All my best,
Boyd Kellner
Hi Paul,
My feedback from board surfers about the mat has been mostly positive! I only remember the smiles and shakas. I surf a lot at El Porto - one day a short boarder I was surfing near was screaming and cursing after he broke his board. When I was at the shower, he was still screaming and I thought he was going to yell at me but instead he said, "I should have been riding something like that. Went great."
Can I tell you my Dane Reynolds story? My husband and I went to Rincon on the worst day during El Niño. It was raining and windy and C street looked like a chocolate milkshake. I thought this was perfect, no one would surf Rincon.
We paddled out and the waves were awful but the weather started to improve and soon it was big, stormy, and rideable. Before we knew it, surfers were checking it, and they started surfing the inside. Dane paddled out and everyone acted cool and ignored him but my husband and I gave him big smiles and waved hello. We like Dane!
I waited for an hour on the outside for a wave to come, mostly bc no one was sitting out there, and I didn't want to lose the mat if a set came. When a big one came, I went for it and managed to slip into it before the shortboarders could catch it. I remember gliding forever down this big slopey wave and surfers parting all around me.
My husband said that Dane was eyeing my wave, and tried to paddle into it before my husband loudly cheered for me. According to him, Dane watched me slowly gliding (probably looked ridiculous), gave a big smile, and let it go and it was a good one! Of course, I had no idea that Dane almost dropped in. I was just so thrilled to catch a wave. After some more Rincon adventures that day, we saw Yadin Nicol (totally missed it) and Josh Kerr in his gigantic RV.
I think if you are catching good waves, and at least having fun it doesn't matter what you are riding: others share the moment and temporarily forego preconceived notions about what's cool or what works or how one should surf.
It is quite an accomplishment that the mats perform so well, unlike other inflatables. Consider the IKEA entry at the Museum of Failure. They made a foray into inflatable furniture, which was very promising due to its low cost but stopped production when the furniture deflated bc of leaks and would blow away every time a ceiling fan was turned on.
Of course, anytime anyone asks me where I got my mat I tell them to go to 4th Gear Flyers!
-June Park
Hey Paul,
was lucky enough to get some waves before the mudslide happened down here in santa barbara, and was able to get on the tracker for a session. got a couple little barrels, and one wave of the day right above rivermouth at rincon. it was amazing to feel fourth gear, and so fun to try a few cutbacks. just wanted to let you know i'm supremely pleased with this mat, and can't wait to use it again in the future.
geoff jensen

Thanks Paul - I LOVE MY MAT!!!!
Have had an absolute blast - seemed to take to it pretty well - we didn't have much swell over Christmas but I got it sliding even on the 1 -2 foot days at Tallows or the back beached in Suffolk... got the turns and nearly got a barrel on a slightly bigger day but I think I need more work on that front (kinda bombed mid way and it closed out)...
Also just did my last pregnancy scan and the baby doesn't seem to be coughing up unnecessary amounts of seaweed so all good! Has to get used to the the Miller clan adventures early!
Not sure if Mum and Dad mentioned but moving to San Fran as well so will have to come and hit you up at some point for a mat session.
Thanks for the common sense guide too ;-)
Hi Paul I hope you are doing well I took my omni out to Leo today it was a bit mushy a nw swell that place dose better on a south swell but I sill had a blast and even got a few hoots for one wave that was my best ride of the day. My stoke level is up I’m still learning how to ride the mat but I have so much fun. The one good ride today I rode the face 0n one of the best waves of the day and a good long ride. Sorry no pics I usually surf by my self and no photographer
charles Price
By the way, expect a flurry of orders(BJ, Tony, Steve, Eric) as we put on quite a show in otherwise gutless surf and showed everyone how much fun you can have on mat.
Thanks again!
Am putting on my tiny superlight backpack with just Mini mat and flippers to hitch sans money to a marginal surfspot with minimal crowds right now. All soft safe super fun friendly stuff minus the root of all evil. The joys of microism...
Mat Max
Hi Paul, finally got out today on the new Lotus s.s.. Im very happy the speed is there and somehow holds the hi line in the face easily on o.h. waves (the Lane). Also trims through white water getting back out onto face It works well, I'm highly satisfied.
Hi Paul,
not sure if you got my email last Thursday to say we'd been advised the mats arrived in Tauranga. So that was super fast. Now back in Tauranga & have mats in my possession. Tomorrow will be the inaugural launch day.
Hey I love the inscriptions- i had ment to ask you to put your name to them.
Thank you for the awsome service. Will do our best to create a following.
Maybe you can visit our shores, we'd love to show you our slice of paradise.
😎 Mark, John & Michele

Just letting you know I received the mat today! Thanks so much! Looking forward to riding it
Christa (Scorpio Girl)
I took Orion Sheppard matting today at the lane. He got it right away. His mom Michelle was here too. Solid folks. Super solid.
Hi Paul
Just to say thanks for the mat, plus your advice.
I’ve used it a few times now in the waves I wanted it for - o/head+ beach break.
It does the two things I was after. Saves energy with the smoother action duck dive, and holds in on the shorter period faces - no sideways crabbing.
Two stand outs. I clicked instantly with the feel of it. Really familiar fit, as if I’d already had it months. The other, it paddles way better than I’d expected - can still sit outside the shortboarders.
All said, it’s going to get plenty of use, thanks for suggesting it 👍🏻
Best regards,
Wow Paul:
Talissa had her 4GF out yesterday at Stinson Beach. She texted she “... caught six good waves ...” “.... very comfortable ride ...”. Will let you know more feedback we Fourth Gear Fly along. Yay.
Got it yesterday. Keven and I had a little Standard party this morning at Ocean Beach. I need to work on my riding technique with it, but it felt so good overall, like it was designed just right for my size. It felt like the mat wasn’t interfering with my arms and legs, which makes it easier to paddle and easier to stay exactly in place. The fact that it isn’t very wide makes it easier for me to paddle with my short arms. It’s also the right length. My kicking doesn’t move me around on the mat at all. Usually, if I’m kicking for a long time, the kicks and paddling will shift me on the mat and I’ll have to adjust at some point. That never happened today.
Usually, the real joy comes from the rides, and I had some fun ones this morning to be sure, but the real joy of this session was in how natural the mat felt under me on the paddle out and when getting into waves.
Thanks again!—Dan
Thank you so much, Paul
I’ve been bodysurfing for years and I was in the water with my friend Mariah and she surfs a 4GF and was crushing it and I thought, I have to get one of those
My first mat. I’m so excited. Can’t wait to ride it!
- Rob Bryn
Thank you so much, Paul
I’ve been bodysurfing for years and I was in the water with my friend Mariah and she surfs a 4GF and was crushing it and I thought, I have to get one of those
My first mat. I’m so excited. Can’t wait to ride it!
- Rob Bryn
Hi Paul,
I got my mat today! I can't wait to get it in the water.
Thanks again!
Thanks so much Paul.
Can’t wait to get it in the water.
I’ve been out a couple times on other mats and completely sucked at it but that’s part of the fun for me! Relearning something new again :) and I love the riders guide I’ve read it 3 times already lol
Thanks bru
Hi Paul,
It's super cool to be writing you. I am friend of Kyle Field (I am also guy who just placed order for an Omni).
Today Kyle, Rob and I matted at Zuma (The day peaked at zuma). It was my first experience, although I've been curious for a while. We had so much fun, maniacs on air.
Told Kyle I wanted to order one for myself, to begin my own journey to Fun City.
Stoked; thank you.
Mikey Kampmann
Hey Paul,
Got the Vespa in the water today. Our west facing beaches were going double overhead and raw, so I went to our south facing spot. It was 2'-3', occasional 4'....
The Vespa is exactly what I was looking for!
I was shocked by how well the Vespa caught waves. So much easier than the Omni. I had no issue getting into anything coming through. The glide is amazing. I normally ride longboards, just for the glide. The vespa is like my 9'9" glider, which is fast and smooth and keeps going even when the wave is done.
It held the steep faces really well, and was fast.
I love it.
Thank you.
Paul Puntous

wow!!!! thanks Paul soo stoked that was amazingly fast. thank you! cant wait to slide some rincon. I feel like i have just bought a peice of surfing history.
Hi Paul,
Just wanted to let you know that we received the surf mat yesterday. I especially liked the personalization!
Will send photos when Paul uses the mat.
Thanks for the quick service.
Morning, Paul
I got to Rio Claro yesterday and had my first successful go-out this morning. Pretty thumpin swell right from the get go! It was 4'-5' at the "corner", which is where I opted. The Rivermouth was undoubtedly a couple feet bigger, but tends to be more ragged and has a more agro crowd.
I lucked into a real smoker my second wave, and had a number of would-be hoppers down the line. The Vespa did what it's really good at--holding a high tight line. Pavones is more a lip race than a drag your hand tube, so it's tailor made for the Tracker. None of em went, as I flew through a few sections and went way into the inside, further than anyone else had made it. Had some fun conversations on the paddle back out.
I think this is going to be a successful trip.
Hey Paul,
Received my mat in record time and already got a couple sessions in on it!!! So stoked , definitely a learning curve been surfing for 20 yrs and as I was told it’s a whole different animal. Wanted to say thank you and I am extremely happy with my new mat! Thanks Paul🤙🏼
Hi Paul,
I love my mat.
In anything from waist high slop to 10 ft faces. My boards are gathering dust.
Paddling into waves and riding no problem.
It was, for sure, the fastest I have ever gone on a wave.
Paul P

From Adam
Happy Cinco De Mayo from the land of Oz!!
Bat Tail & Wrangler Grips
May 2, 2018
From The Tusked Beast
Hi Paul,
I have no idea if these are
your mats - seems to be from Ireland - but here's some beautiful photos I
ran across, and thought of you and your collection.
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