Who here wants another batch of testimonials?
Thanks Paul
Can’t say how much I appreciate what you do 👍🏻
really excited to see what the Lotus mini is capable of. It’ll be heading to
Ireland next month, followed by Portugal, so hopefully will get some
solid sea trials 😄
Best regards, Pat
Thanks Paul for the lotus and thanks for getting it together so quick.
I’m looking forward to christening him , all I need now is some swell.
Thanks again Frank
Hi Paul
Hope you are well :)
Master at work :)
That was quick!
Have had some amazing days on the Omni!
to Leo Carrillo last weeks and there was an amazing right sandbar that
popped up just north of Leo’s main break. Dredging fast barrels , chest
to head high absolutely incredible, the Omni did a great job holding in
those conditions and really picked up speed when needed! The wave only
lasted thru till high tide and then was gone.
went over to Leo’s main break after, wasn’t crowded at all only 4 other
people out, also chest to head high. The Omni really seemedto shine at
Leo, which made me wish for another big swell to hit Rincon before
summer :) Nice carving and some good get up and go !
Just wanted to thank you for the fun craft for good times :)
thinking about getting a second mat. Yesterday I went down South in
search of waves to San Clemente and Laguna areas. Was pretty small, some
chest high waves every now and then but pretty small and mushy. The
Omni was still super fun especially in the little shorebreak but
definitely felt like I maybe needed some more volume under me to get the
full push on the mushburgers...
Last but not least, have you made kids mats before? For little guys like 6 & 8 years old
Thanks again!
I have always loved obsessing over the numbers
of my surfboards. The local guy here who has made boards for me totally
geeks out about dimensions, and I love comparing the feel of how a
board surfs to the dimensions, and am constantly amazed that the
slightest change can make a huge difference.. That's why I originally
asked about the lengths....just to understand what's going on.
That blog post you sent was perfect. Thank you.
This line from the article summed it (and me) up perfectly.
the dimension-based wisdom of conventional surf craft design. In
effect, mats are in conflict with the natural desire for surfers to
understand the equipment they ride on a numerical level. "
I will now go and surf both mats and stop thinking of the numbers.
I know you hear this all the time, but my boards have rarely been in the last year.
Hope all is well.
Thanks for providing so much joy to so many.
John Warner here, an ocean brother from Santa Barbara. Jim Brady took
me matting for the first time last week and I had a blast. I would love
to add one of your fourth gear flyers to my quiver to keep with me
always, should mother nature
call. Jim told me to shoot you and email with my height - 6’2”, weight
- 195 lb. and to let you know that I mostly surf El Cap. Let me know
how to proceed and what you need from me. Thank you for your craft and
creating so much stoke in the world. I hope
we get a chance to surf together sooner than later.
Unreal!!! I knew you got em out
quick but that’s insane. Thanks so much. Will fill you in when it gets wet.
Holy smokes, just opened up the box at family dinner this evening... I
can tell just from the material and quality of the design that this is a
whole other ball game! I’m so stoked on the mat... can’t wait to get in
the water tomorrow! Thank you 💯
Hi Paul.
Rode new mat yesterday. Works perfectly!! You really
notice the grip on a new mat. Waves were weak on take off mat caught
waves super easy with a touch more air than i normally use. Tons of
hold. Perfect!!!
Thanks again
Just wanted to give you a quick update on my surf mat adventure. I just got back from a trip through gulf shores and Florida. I got to try the surf mat a couple of times. While the waves were not big, about 2 feet, I had sooooo much fun! These mats are awesome! So easy to steer and ride. I absolutely love it! I even got a few face slides with this baby! It was so easy to learn how to ride it and I am looking forward to trying it in larger surf!
a chance top ride the omni today in chest-shoulder high Newport today
and had a blast. Really fun being able to affect buoyancy and create
surfaces to plane/engage with. Thanks so much!
Hi Paul,
I've been riding the Lotus a ton
since I got it. It's been a lot of fun so I keep going back to it and
haven't worn out the excitement of it yet.
favorite thing about it on first impression/before I even got in the
water is the material you use. I love both the bottom and the thicker
top material. I actually skin it a lot and even though that top surface
will tear you up quick, I'm still enamored by the build quality. I spent
some time in the Army so I think I have an odd affinity for nylon
that's tough... even on my belly haha... :)
speaking, the Lotus
is like a fine instrument where I have to get the inflation "just right"
to really have it go. For me letting it bend to about 30 degrees seems
to be right.This
morning was really clean and I could go with less inflation on the
Early on with the Lotus I
had a range of sessions from not that great to really good... and the
quality of the session wasn't related to the power of the wave as I had
expected. One of my first best sessions was in tiny beach break but the
pocket of the wave was defined enough that I could really "lock in" and
turning was so easy. That was a radical "break through" on the new mat
to be able to "carve" it as well as I could.
thing the mat has been going absolutely bonkers on is small (Name Withheld).
I've been completely slaying that place in surf that's too fin-ripping
shallow to do anything else but mat. It's like a complete unlock on a
whole new surfing option. I've actually been pleased the surf has been
so small because I keep getting waves to myself at one of San Diego's
premier waves. It's such a good way to really learn all the details of a
wave too being so up close on the reef.
I'm already considering what my next mat might be which is why I had started writing.
like the length of the Lotus very much. That's crucial because I like to stay in surf
shape by paddling back out to the lineup after rides. It also makes
matting a killer work out because kicking and paddling is one of the
best ways I know to gas myself.
probably going to be board surfing when the surf is good (except for
some slabby mysto spots I'm looking forward to attempting the Lotus at)
so I'm probably generally oriented towards small wave surfing with my
mat surfing.
Let me know what you think as far as my next mat goes... my apologies for such an essay now!
I can't tell you how much fun I've
been having. I feel like I'm cheating. I hope I can still standup surf
ok with all this matting I'm doing! I need to get some photos :)
Thanks again Paul. My mate mason just ordered one not to long ago and I tried it at 3 foot Solana Beach. I’m hooked. I’m 17 years old but I wish I would’ve started earlier they’re unreal. Thanks again.
Hi Paul,
time has passed, so you may not recall my order back in April. You
hooked me up with a Custom XL after understanding my size and disability
(fused L4, L5, S1 in 2017). The Mat hung in the family room until I
took it out last week, then graduated to the garage with my other tools.
I think the wife is a bit happier now too!
I wanted you to know that I finally got out on my mat and had a really
fun first go out! Waves were 2-3’ onshore Southbay sandbar dribblers.
Jeez! That thing catches waves SO easy. Catch the wave, trim and turn
all the way to shore, kick it back out, and repeat until my dear friends
on their long boards started to scowl. Perfect for keeping up with old
friends and making a few new ones too. Got quite a few questions in the
I said, the waves were really crap. The mat though feels really fast
and I left the water knowing that there is more to learn. Cool
feeling. Can’t wait for the day with a little more waves.
is such a stealthy buy. I see so much potential in this thing! Thanks
loads for getting it out to me so quickly Paul. Can I drop you another
note later if you don’t mind?
Best regards,
Wow, that was quick, thanks Paul!
I'm really enjoying the Omni that I
got from you a few years ago. My daughter loves going tandem w/ me on
it & both my wife & daughter like to snake it whenever I'm not
using it. Looking forward to owning a 2nd 4gf.
Good Morning Paul
rode my buddies mat he purchased from you. Laughed so
hard my stomach ached. I'd swear I was 6/7 years old again down at the
beach with my Dad.
Thanks for the expedite on the order.
Cant wait to learn the finer art of "Da matt"
Aloha Paul,
Howzit from Kauai!
thinking about getting another 4th gear Flyer. The Lotus 7 is hands
down, for the waves I like, the best mat I’ve owned. It’s my big wave mat. I’ve caught some insane waves- late- steep- fast drops (in 4'-5' winter Hawaiian
surf) into the pit, locked and and just flying all the way through
serious Middles. And, it releases pretty well in slides across open
walls. I’m inquiring about the next version of that type of mat. I have a
small quiver of “a mat’s a mat,” mats that do okay in small to medium
surf. Rode one of the mats you made for my buddy Pete “Chilidub” D’Wart.
Liked the sticky top, but
didn’t get to test it in steep fast exciting waves. Johan went for the
Lotus 7 after riding mine and he said he has another mat from you but I
haven’t seen it or ridden it yet. Maybe should do that too. Am open to
what you think.
All the best,
You’re the fastest custom mat maker the world has yet known.
Mahalo, Plenty!
Dear Paul,
I recieved my mat
yesterday and took it out this morning. The surf and wind conditions
weren't working out great but I had a blast and caught alot of waves on
my omni. Looking forward to using it again tomorrow and the next! Thank
you for getting the mat to me so quickly. I will be coming back to 4th
gear flyers for another mat in the future.
Thanks for the refund on my overpayment, Paul. It is a pleasure to deal with honest people.
Best Wishes
Thank you, Paul!
My son barely ever let’s me ride my Omni, so this one is for me so he can officially take that one for himself!
We are both stoked to see this email! Thank you!
Thank you so much for this! My
wife and I are a little bit in awe of your customer service.
Thanks again!
I'll take a photographer out with me next time. Rode the mat at waimea
bay already and pretty big pupukea as well as vland. Unreal. I put away
my single fin logs that i usually ride hahah these mats are so much fun
and they are legit surf crafts. I'll send some photos soon.
Andre ----------------------------------------
Hi Paul, Debbie
It came today and was waiting on my back porch with my two
guard Labradors on the job. Surf is super big so maybe in a few days
I'll go out. I'll have more time to read the guide info again now that
it's here.
Thanks so much and I'm telling lots of friends about it.
Thank You Paul! I'll get you some feedback asap and as always your customer service is friggin amazing.
Hi Paul,
Report from Barbados. Mats worked excellent
over here. I got some heaving double overhead days at Soup Bowl on the
Standard, and some awesome peeling left walls on the OMNI on the other
side of the island with Regi (she was on the Standard). We had a blast
together on our 4GF! 84 degree water was quite nice. Thanks again for
the quick turn around on the OMNI. I noticed that my two mats were made
on the same day, December 12th! What a coincidence. Enjoy the pictures.
It arrived this morning! Thanks for once again exceeding our
expectations! Jay was pleasantly surprised and will likely make an
“off schedule” visit to the beach this weekend to get it wet!
We appreciate you!
That’s such good news!
Thank you so
much again for the design and craft of the surf mats you’ve created.
It’s inspiring and exciting to ride waves in another form.
Hope you stay healthy in this time!
All the best,
Thanks Paul!
Always a pleasure buying from you.
Great product, great price!
looking forward to getting it out in the water
Thank you so much Paul.
I Can’t wait to get this wet.
My son Aloha approves 🙌🙏🙌
SUPER mega Morning Stoke ..
Massive Thank you from Tomas Clan
Aloha from Kauai!
you’re well. I’m having the best time matting the Lotus 7. Thanks
again.. The best surf sessions, most fun most waves most exciting,
fasted rides, most insane, great laughs, I’ve had this year have been on
your mats. Again, thanks again!
One of the reasons we chose your mats, no pink camouflage or other crazy stuff, just quality mats!
I must also compliment you on your customer service. Your response is awesome and I'll spread the word on your amazing company.
received my mat! So stoked! Blew it up, that’s a nice little lung waker
upper! Can’t wait to take her out. I’m a goofy footer(and only surf
occasional weekends), so rincon has always been a tough place for me,
well I plan on getting dialed in so I can one day enjoy Rincon with good
friends on your craft! Thanks again! Today is a good one! Casey
Thank you Paul for all your help with recent order.
The package arrived on Monday and my son couldn't be happier.
Thanks again for providing such awesome service.
Paul, I can’t thank you enough for getting my mat out to me. My wife
ordered it a couple weeks ago with the intention of having it here for
Fathers Day, and you made it happen!! I was so pleasantly surprised when
I got home today to see the box sitting for me to open. I’ve been
riding my friends fatty model for the last 3 weeks in Newport, and it’s
an absolute blast. You make a superior product, and your craftsmanship
is something to truly appreciate. Thank you again my friend. I’m sure
there will be more orders to come. Be well, and thank you again.
Thanks Paul! Absolutely love your mats! They feel like a true extension
of my body, turn on a dime and feel super stable....absolutely in love!Thanks and please continue to spread the magical stoke your mats bring!
received the mat and she’s such a beauty! I am beyond thankful that you
got it to me for our trip! We’ll be sure to share the pics on
Thank you again!
Hey Paul,
Got the mat Saturday and was
out in 2-3ft surf with light onshores for three hours, and man I had so
much fun. Catching the wave and positioning myself was a little awkward
at low inflation but once I got going I was able to make multiple
sections and turns. Your guide was super helpful and it was really
interesting feeling the difference in the mat as I squeezed to get rail
or let go to let loose and hit that "3rd gear". I found myself going
very low-inflation as the tide came in and it dealt with the fatter
waves beautifully. A bunch of teenagers asked me about it and thought it
was cool, so I must have been doing something right out there. The
personal touch is also really appreciated.
Thank you so much!
Hello Paul,
Thanks so much,
I took the Omni out at clean Torrey Pines
this morning and it took me a bit of figuring to get the turns right (I
have some limited mat experience but it's scattered over the last 8
years). Anyway, I did end up getting right into the pocket on a few
decent waves and suddenly I had my arms behind me and I was flying
along. It was tons of fun.
I have to say that
all the reading materials you have sent over (and I had been reading your blog
as well) were helpful. When I slowed myself down and really thought
about it, I could work out how to squeeze the mat into position and set a
rail, but only because I had watched and read various things on how to
do it. I think it would have taken a long time to work that out on my
There was some swell in the water and it
was pretty fun, I'm looking forward to taking it out again.
Thanks for building these great mats. I have 3 and haven’t been
back on a surfboard in a few years. It is the same story for my two
buddies. The three of us all stared surfing as kids. Definitely a
learning curve, but once you put your time in its magical.
Thanks again-
Heya Paul, and crew up at 4th Gear Flyer
Just wanted to THANK YOU for the UDT I got years ago from you. It's been an amazing friend.
Still riding it, and body surfing on the other days. Learning is always new with both the adventures!
Finally, my Son has begun his surf life. Bodysurfing, and switching off riding the mat.
As such, we were thinking of the Vespa RoundTail to begin the next phase of building our mat quiver.
My main question is.....do ya got them in stock and ready to deliver?
just checking before ordering.
again, thanks for the funnest damn thing in the ocean....
i tell everyone "it's the fastest i have ever gone in the surf....and have been surfing since '81"
and i mean it!!!
look forward to hearing from you,
Aloha thanks for the matt and I am going to use it for water coaching for adaptive athletes and surfers
Just got my mat...
This thing is so much more than expected.
Thanks very much!
Firstly, there are no words that can truly express my gratitude for what
your mat did for my wave riding. I'm sure you've heard this a thousand
times, but it truly did change my life. I've surfed next to Skip Frye at
the Point since '95. Slept on the beach and on the cliffs at Tourmo
like Doc for years at a time. Swung boards up to 14' like bats. But I
never experienced more pure joy, pure fun than getting locked in over
barely submerged reef. In all the years surfing next to the Skipper at
the Point, it took me barely making it through the corner, blasting into
the cove at Mach 3 where he was sitting at the base of the stairs to
get a true hoot of joy from him. I waited almost three decades to get
that. So, yeah, it changed my life and made me a much happier wave
rider, and I got a bunch of people jazzed on the idea. That mat finally
met it's demise recently and I need two replacement Omni's. Thank you again Mr. Gross for
it was delivered today to my sns house where the small bday gathering
took place. it was the hit of the night, the name inside -- The Whole Nine Yards -- was hysterical,
you were a celebrity, it was an accomplishment on my part that they
thought i might know you and could get your autograph.
i hope many more sales come your way! thanks for the detailed
attention! you made it super special!!!
I've only been able to take
it out in small waves but she goes really good and I can manage it!
Winter is when we get bigger waves so I'm looking forward to testing it
Hey Paul, I wanted to drop you a note and let you know how much I love
my mat. You might recall I got it to be able to surf as I recover from a
broken hip but I’m wondering if it’s gonna be my main method of surfing
period now.
I’m having such a blast on it I can’t believe it.
Don’t be surprised when you see another order from me so I have a spare....
Hope you’re well and thanks for providing so much stoke in such a cool little package.
Hey Paul,
Just wanted to thank you again for such a great craft. I’ve had it out in 1ft mush and 7ft swell and it’s all been a blast.
of my most favorite memories, and might be for sometime, was getting my
3 year old daughter out on the mat, pretty much fully inflated, and we
rode 2-3 ft surf together in what was one magic giggly carpet ride. She
still talks about it and draws pictures of us in waves. Truly magical.
Hi Paul,
Thanks for letting me know, I wanted to let
you know how much I love riding your mats, since seeing someone
floating around on one at Topanga many moons ago, I knew I should get
The connection with the water is much
stronger, I catch so many more rides and have so much more fun than I
ever did fighting in the line up with all the stand up guys.
My friends don't understand it and keep asking when I'll go back to stand up, oh well to be a non conformist is good!
can pick off everything they miss and spot waves they would never
consider, thanks for building such beautiful and effective wave riding
All the best
Wow!! That's a lot quicker than I imagined, was thinking it would take a few weeks. Thank you so much!!!
I took out the standard today. And Wow so much fun. Can't
believe how different it is compared to the Omni. Which now ruins me for
the future because now I will want to try other models. Good thing they
are small so the wife doesn't kill me.
Also I wanted to
thank you and tell you how much I appreciate you telling about the
blemish even though I can't even tell. I feel that is wonderful and it
really makes me even happier I got my mat from you directly. I very much
appreciated all the emails as well.
Thank you very much.
Hi Paul,
Just wanted to reach out and thank you for your masterful
surfmat craftsmanship. I've been riding my Standard for nearly 2 months
now in SF and I just can't get enough of it! Many great sessions already
in big and small conditions. I think I've enjoyed the smaller days
more, where I can really explore the capabilities of the mat. I'm
certainly still a beginner getting the hang of it, and the learning
process has been pure joy.
again! I'm definitely a 4GF lifer now. PS - I attached a clip of one of
my first waves I caught on the Standard, hope you'll enjoy :)
This inflation thing is really interesting and I feel like I'm
getting it sorted out... But that against conflicting advice (but that
never happens in life 🤣)
I'm 5'11 and
192 lb riding an omni. Today some air got let out of it as the air valve
opened up accidentally. I was only able to give it a couple of puffs
before having a set land on my head. I decided to turn around and take
one and it was a really nice ride.... At an inflation level that I can
fold the thing all the way in half and I'm starting to find that I like
that the best !?!? I took just a couple more waves like that before
going in and I'm not so sure that's "pro level" riding inflation but
that maybe that's really the only good way to ride a mat - the sweet
spot for the device.
I was just
advised by a fellow who's been mat surfing (your mats 👍🏻) for 12 years
that he rides his almost completely filledl-up-hard that I should do
the same. I have not tried that yet, maybe next time even though I liked
the low inflation quite well. Up until today I was in that middle
ground range where I saw some YouTube video saying you need to fold the
mat at 90°, if you can't go any farther that's about right.
It's probably 3 ft with the occasional 4 foot mushy day in San Diego near Scripps Pier.
think I'm going to try a pretty low inflation again next time. Then
maybe switch to having it really stiff and filled up but I'm thinking
that 90° thing at least for me wasn't so great it was kind of a lame
middle ground perhaps.
Awesome Paul. Appreciate it and thanks for making these things that
make me feel like a kid again. I was a seriously pissed off and bitter
surfer before your mats saved me. I owe you big time.
WE received the mats! They’re beautiful. Side note, the production date on the mats is our wedding
anniversary. 36 years this year! Makes them extra special.
Thanks so much,
Russ and Kim -------------------------------------
Hey Paul!
people like me who don't yet live by the ocean, I think there is an
appeal to owning a surf craft you can take to the beach but that isn't a
giant board. I'm not sure if you're familiar with Tenkara fishing, I
think there is a similar appeal.
I finally took out my SurfMat! My wife and I spent a few days in Pacific Beach and I got some time to take it out this morning.
While I was unsuccessful in catching all but some straightforward white water it was still a wonderful experience. Something about being able to bring my mat there and back is a delightful experience. I'm already planning a day trip to Pacifica to try again and shopping for wetsuits.
While I was unsuccessful in catching all but some straightforward white water it was still a wonderful experience. Something about being able to bring my mat there and back is a delightful experience. I'm already planning a day trip to Pacifica to try again and shopping for wetsuits.
Thank you for your gracious introduction to the sport, I'll keep you posted on my progress.
Hey Paul,
rode the Omni the
other day for the first time, soft waist shoulder high beach break here
in SF. For how the waves were, it was the perfect mat. Nice glide for
the flat sections and easy to roll on the edge to hold a line for the
short bowling sections.
What I find interesting
is there is something I like about new mats, the stiff fabric has a
crispness in its response. I noticed that with the new standard I got a
year and a half ago.
I never run low inflation
to much, because of the waves I ride, the beach break here at Ocean
Beach. Mostly 90 degree bend, give or take, so a little stiffer. I
appreciate the softness with low inflation. I just don't get to ride
that way.
I had a supersoft Standard about 10 years old, broken in. It was great fun. Completely different feeling, I should get it back.
Just an observation.
I love these mats.
thanks again Paul.
Surf mat riding saved my mental health
during the pandemic. the first time I went out during lockdown was to
ride my bag. Please know your craftsmanship offers more than just a
consumer exchange of money, very grateful.
Share the love,
Awesome!! I just made the purchase. I think I'll go with
the tried and true standard. Love the sound of the lotus though, I know
I'll need a backup mat one day or one I can lend to friends, I will keep
in mind 

do a lot of traveling so the mats are perfect for me, the one thing I
can shove in a suitcase and go anywhere. I have a dream to give up my
place at the beginning of next year and travel to a bunch of ocean spots
and go full digital surfer nomad
work remotely so can go anywhere. I wanted to find Hawaii on the map
and just go down the equator line and see what else is out there. Still
can't quite feel out the state of the world but that free spirit inside
of me is ready to be released so either way I don't think I'll be able
to stop myself 

Sweeeet, thank you Paul!
Wow, that was fast! Thank you so much. I think you have offered the best
service I've ever received. Dean is excited. My brother said despite
his learning curve, it is totally worth it. I am currently trying to
learn to surf a wave ski, but may be a future customer.
Thanks for the link. Yesterday had
one of those sessions that restores the faith in mat surfing or
surfing general after a run of surfs in zoos only wave working or
surfing a river mouth wave which is a constant battle to try stay in the
line up which does not work unless your on a SUP you end getting out
half a mile down the beach and walking the walk of shame to your
starting point to do it all over again.
surfed a reef in a Army firing range so off limits most of the time
plus very fickle needing the right wind and swell direction it was
perfection and you would thought you were in the Maldives the water was
so clear shame about all the rubber you need to wear this time of year
had some of those rides were it sounds like your mat is being torn in
half under you . Stoked even though my calfs are still burning.
Hi Paul,
Thank you for your swift creating and communication.
I read through the rider's guide the other day, very helpful information and images.
I am looking forward to riding it here in some decent swell in the coming months.
Thank you kindly once again, and enjoy the long weekend.
Warm Regards,
1 comment:
I love these, just charming.
If a life well-lived is making others happy... well then!
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