May 13, 2023

From George S


Hello Paul,

I now live in San Francisco and wanted to share my experience having spent about 6h in the water with my "standard" surf mat at Ocean Beach, SF. With each session I unlock more insights:

Session 1: I caught my first wave and went full on projectile-mode. Zero control, just pure thrill as was thrown forward and held on for dear life. Hard work kicking through the waves out Ocean Beach, I didn't make it out a second time.

Session 2: I practiced pulling myself onto the mat during the take-off and experimented with applying pressure to steer in the white water.

Session 3: I began to take off directionally and learned to duck dive competently. I basically grab the corners and hug the mat as I try to get my head under the wave. I can stay centered over the mat and get back to paddling very quickly.

Session 4: I began to trim down the wave and tried steering by pulling up on the opposite corner. I figured out how to pull out of a wave which gave me more confidence with other surfers in the water.

Session 5: I was trimming well enough to beat the white water and extend my ride. I remember one wave where it just kept getting better as I went. I was laughing my ass off afterwards. I must have fully engaged the "2nd gear".

So far the mat hasn't disappointed. Each time I go out I intuit something new. I think my experience with body surfing has helped a lot, trimming feels similar. The mat really amplifies the sensation of speed which I enjoy. Other surfers seem to be curious / perplexed by the mat when I paddle out and then seem to "get it" when I take off on a bomb! I hope my presence helps to spread the good word about surf mats because I've yet to see another one in the wild.

Thank you for making surf mats, I'm hooked!


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