These shots were taken on a bumpy afternoon in the spring of 1974. It was a weekend, but there were only a few SU surfers out. George, Paul Masiel and I were out at the Indicator. My brother Dan was taking pictures. Most of the waves ran all the way into the cove. I remember making at least a dozen walks over the rocks back up the point that day.
Top photo is me, second photo is George and Paul M, bottom two shots are of me. We were all on Hodgman "Stripes Across" mats. All purchased at The Coast Chandlery in Santa Barbara.
We ended up eating tacos at "The Spot" in Carpenteria later that evening.
Ha ha, those pictures made me so horny for waves that I dropped everything about an hour ago and beelined to the coast. It has been windy here and I hoped some peaks would be bounding, but conditions aren't lining up properly. Maybe I'll leave earlier and range farther tomorrow. I'm still jonesing.
That looks like so much fun
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