Jun 12, 2013

From Blake...



Here are some photos from last week's surf trip, which coincided nicely with some quite surfable surf.  After battling the crowds at well known spots for 2 days, we shifted gears and sought more sheltered breaks and hunted for those mythical breaks that only awaken during these mega swells.

This empty right (which was not a set wave!) was a few miles away from where our photos were taken during mat session #2.

The new Fatty is a great addition to the mat quiver and made a convert of my brother (in hood), who stopped resisting my mat proselytizing after this exact left.  The rough sequence of me (in hat) going left was the longest ride that session; it ended when I washed up onto sand.

Just wanted to send you these as a way to say thanks for the new mat and, as always, the top notch customer service.


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