Apr 15, 2017

Thursday Fun Day Fom Rob



I had a blast on Thursday at Hanna Park with Mariah and her Mom, who was in for a visit from Oregon. The water was still a little cold for the ladies to get in, but it was a beautiful day to be on the beach with Family.

The Polara screams for me on anything over 2 feet! I love this mat when the inside is working. I’ve been catching as many session as I can, and exploring different tides and breaks, sometimes catching as many as three sessions a day, if I’m off work.

My body is starting to respond by trimming down, and my baby rhino sized wetsuit is getting loose on me. Mat surfing has given me some Tina Turner legs too (see shot #4), but Mariah says my fin feet cancel them out!

I’m so in love with the Ocean, I dream waves, and not even a shark bite could keep me out of the water yesterday at the Poles. The Ocean has healed me and filled a void I didn’t know I had in my life. She showed me that people can change, and washed away my fear and anger, so she could replace them with Love and Joy. I owe the ocean my life, but I owe you for the introduction.

I say it a lot, but I always mean it, thank you so much for your time and for making these wonderful surfcraft. Keep Spreading the Stoke!

Super Stoked,

PS   Mariah loves her new lens!

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