Jun 9, 2023

From Pack Ratt Records


Hi Paul hope all is well . 
I've been M.I.A. for while a I spent the last month helping my mom get ready for a big move to Texas.. there just last week she moved to Houston so  I got to go to Galveston.. out on micro day and the whole beach like stopped and was watching me. I got so many questions it was hilarious people were stoked…
Here’s a really bad photo of me in Galveston you had a kick board. Those waves were so small, but it made such a big crowd. It was hilarious. The guy from Ohana Surf Shop came up to me and asked me where I get these things and I gave them your information also anyways have a good evening. 


1 comment:

tuskedbeast said...

Love it. If you've spent enough time on a mat, you'll know it attracts attention... generally positive! There's something simultaneously bitchin' and ridiculous about a fast mat ride. Have had people crack up laughing. Perfectly happy to amuse people, as long as it's on a set wave....