My Classic has arrived! So happy!
Now, in order to join my mat riding buddies in the fun, I must blow up all of their mats before my first session in the water. This is a hazing ritual amongst a certain sub-culture of L.A. County surf matters.
Thanks again!
(Name withheld upon request...)
E.P.A membership is settled at 5 currently, and i thought we agreed the inflation initiation also involved repeating the ritual with the breakaway ladies club A.L.A.R.M (awesome ladies are riding mats), 2 members and growing!...a less committed chap would run out of air.
It was MY understanding that this was a secret initiation, not to be shared with the masses.
Oh well, we might have to up the ante on the means of entry.
At least you have enough matters to have a club. The only ones I see in the OC are from SD or LA. Of course it would help if we had surf.
i wish i had a mat posse. racing mats and running over each other is f#&%in fun.
factorypond, please go to surfmatz and check your PM's , I surf Rockaway.
What's the deal with Surfmatz.com?
I joined and made posts... Still waiting verification or some such.
Anyway, dodn't you fellas use electric pumps?!?!?!
Yeah, I'd like some mat buddies, too. I'm a lone matter here in NZ, awash in a sea of very staunch hardboarders and boogers. Also being somewhat of a green matter, I use one of those pumps for blowing up big plastic gym balls (in direct defiance of the 4GF owners guide), resulting in less release of carbon dioxide than both lungs or electric pumps (if you conveniently overlook the manufacture of the chinese hand powered pump).
Pumps are for chumps!
Kidding Max, That's actually a pretty keen idea. I've got one of those things, should maybe try it, and I should probably use the big gym ball more often as well. Only downside is that you wouldn't get that pre-surf head buzz that you only get with blowing up a mat...
I've got a plug-in-to-the-cigarette-lighter pump. It's a beauty.
You can deflate with it too. Perfect for a quick get-away!
A pump?
Why not go the full hog and just employ an Umpa Lumpa to blow up your mat.....
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