Hi Paul,
The photos were taken this Tuesday by Joel Mayer at Oceanside Pier during surf P.E. with Oceanside High School. Lissie is fifteen years young. She just started matting this summer. She also rides a longboard very well.
She charges when some other girls just sit pretty.
Peace, and again thanks for the mats!
These pics remind me of our "geography field trips" at sixth form college.Studied the average size of pebbles for 10 minutes then Mutiny!We hit the surf.Great to see....
check her out getting shacked! go gym class, that's way better than dodgeball ;)
Love the little tug-on-the-nose stall into the barrel!
Getting barrel on school dime...does it get any better?-great shots
When this week started, I never dreamed I would see anything as stoking as the shots of Lissie or the standing wave footage of Sean.
You guys make it all worth while...thanks!
Joels the man, great amigo... cool shots and nice slide liz...
the oside north yetti is a great mat wave even when its pretty big..
Lissie seems to be climbing the learning curve at an incredible rate! Natural surf animal...
i love this.
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