Hi Paul!
Just a few words to say that my (almost) one year old-turned-French Standard mat was the ultimate toy today...
I went surfing a small right looking a lot like some famous Baja right hander and had a really good time surfing my standard, speeding across the sandbar.
A few controlled cover-ups and cutbacks...I'm starting to understand the mat surfing technique...and, even if I remain a stand up surfer aficionado, I can tell you that, today, my shortboard spent more time in the sand waiting for a ride!
There's no cure for surfmat addicts, I guess?
Best wishes,
Les Sables d'Olonne
Follow-up email from Denis...
Hi Paul!
That's right, I'm hooked on mats
I'll try to make a surfmat movie soon with my new Gopro HD cam...as soon as I drop my hooded wetsuit!
"Standard mat was the ultimate toy today..."
It's the ultimate toy every day!
That's right Grayman! ;-)))
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