Thanks for sharing your knowledge and helping me understand more about your mats.
Retro Scotty
Got my mats (Vespa RT and Omni) brings my quiver up to 4 mats big fun mats go great my
daughter enjoys them also if possible could you email me the riders guide I greatly appreciate the personal touch with name and model on the rail very cool much
thanks Pete, Oceano
Hi Paul,
I hope you are well.
There has been a lot happening since our last contact in March. As you know I have have been in SoCal and I have had a great time over there meeting quite a few mat surfers including Dirk. I'm sure he has told you about our time together. I had so much fun with him.
But that's not the reason I'm writing to you.
My wife and I just returned from our summer vacation in the UK. We had a fantastic time there and explored many places in Scotland, Wales and England. I had particularly high hopes to go surfing in Scotland but it was entirely flat while I was there. People are now saying that it has been the flattest July ever! At least we had fantastic weather and during our stay in Cornwall we were finaly able to find some waves.
This was NOT high performance surfing but loads of fun none the less :) Christina was using my Omni (my favourite mat!!!) and I'm riding a Vespa. In fact the Vespa turned out to be the perfect choice for me since I was able to catch waves as early as longboarders. I'm slowly getting the hang of catching waves early. The more I ride your mats the more I'm impressed with their performance. Thanks for making them!
Christina was having fun too as you can see in her smiles. These moments are the ones that I cherish the most. Sharing the stoke and having pure fun that is what mat riding is for me.
With kind regards
Great instructions Paul. Lots of love of the ocean went into the writing. Good stuff.
Hey there, Paul
Great job as usual. The Vespa just appeared this morning, right on schedule. Now if we just had a few Hawaii Hurricane leftovers to go try it.
Great job as usual. The Vespa just appeared this morning, right on schedule. Now if we just had a few Hawaii Hurricane leftovers to go try it.
Paul, got the lotus yesterday after a morning surf session on the north shore hurricane generated julio gave us a freak winter swell the last three days. Matted in the afternoon calves were sore. Inflated the mat this morning laid it down on the omni looked the same but after inflation i saw the difference. Should be fun.
Mahalo again Ruben
My mat arrived! Thank you so much Paul, I can't wait to ride it. I will keep in touch.
Cheers, N. Oldfield
Hello Paul,
I spent the last 3 days in a small half moon bay in northern Puerto Rico, with basically 2 ft close outs and an occasional right face to ride. The mat was the perfect way to extract the maximal enjoyment from what I had. Fun indeed, I may need to invent a rash guard for my chin :) This device will become a solid part of my quiver.
Thanks again.
Thanks again.
Hi Paul. Took the fatty for her maiden surf this morning. Had so much fun on some little left handers.
Not often you see a grown man laughing all the way to the beach !
Ok, here's the details:
3-4' WnS, crossed up W/NW 6-8 sec intervals.
Got in, went to main peak, 5-6 surfers trying their best....kick my way into the left hook side
Everyone was frustrated, quick intervals.. the UDT sorta midfull(*speaking of, how do "we" refer to volume amounts? )
Caught a late set wave, left, wedging off the NW flow.
Raced thru first section, wave backed off ...put my arms back on my sides, and weaved/yawed my back to the pocket at full speed. ... 👍
Few waves later, off the point. ..dropped/bomb dropped into a racing hooking right..quick head dip, racing thru the wash...around corner, let fly.....
"wow, that arm thing on the left...."
*put arms back*....
*feel speed*...
*lumpy reef boil*
*splash down*..
*grab top of mat*....
*feel shot up nose of Pacific's finest saltwater*....
Damn that was FUN!!! ______》========
much Love and Respect.
The UDT floats like a dandelion over flat spots.
The UDT is amazing, surprisingly capable in larger waves too.
Just want to say I love my omni - it's given me the confidence to get out and try surfing when I never would have thought I would - and I love it! and I get to share something Tom loves - so THANKS!
Thanks Paul. Looking forward to using it on my vacation at Ocean City MD. I grew up in the 60's and 70's and have fond memories of the original surf mats.
Best Regards,
Hi Paul, I got the mat and it looks great. The craftsmanship is very nice. Can't wait to take it out.
Thanks again,
Hi Paul
Thanks very much
I'll let you know how I get on
Best wishes


Hi Paul-
The mat just arrived today! It's sitting on my desk right now. I feel like a kid at Christmas. I still haven't opened up the box:). Enjoying the anticipation of opening it this evening at home. Planning on giving it a go tomorrow at OB. Can't wait! Thank you!
You getting caught up on your mat orders? Seems like it's been one of your busiest periods? So glad that your mats are getting out there. I am a very proud owner:).
Thanks Paul.
I am looking forward to experiencing a new wave riding vehicle. Will give you feedback after a trial period. Ordered a pair of Da Fins as well. Fresh tropical swell coming into SoCal right now so may get to ride the mat on some decent waves Sunday. I have read your Riders Guide online for the tips.
Hi Paul,
Thanks for your prompt response, i should have known you had tried the
bump/wing stuff already.
I have to try and avoid applying hard board designs to the surf Mat, i bet
you've heard them all after all these years, so i'll leave the tinkering
ideas to you from now on.
I had a good 3 hour session yesterday on the Vespa, upped my inflation a
little and seemes to get my bite back, also switching back to my Viper V7 s
for a bit as the old duck feet seem to drag a little, could be my posture on
the mat, i don't know. Been trying to get some photos so i can analize my
positioning, but hard to get my girls to the ocean without them getting wet
I am going to start a journal of my post ride thoughts to help and get some
data on my sessions and help my progress.
A UDT would b interesting to try for the smaller surf, cause even though im down to 190 the thick suit/booties and fins get me well over 210 lbs when wet.
Also, if you ever come up the 101 on your way to Oregon, let me know, love
to buy you dinner, coffee, beer, whatever. the North coast is a little
longer drive, but really beautiful and the line ups are rather friendly for
the most part. Gets a little more crowded when HSU starts, but still plenty
of space to be found.
Thanks again for all your info/support and craftmansship. Like i said
before, i am fully hooked on Matting, it has re ignited my passion for
surfing like i never imagined.
Peter G
I received a "tracker" mat from you recently. I did read the "Riders
Guide". I've attempted to ride waves with it 2-3 times. I think that I
actually went along the wave twice in each session, but with no sembalance
of control.
I received a "tracker" mat from you recently. I did read the "Riders
Guide". I've attempted to ride waves with it 2-3 times. I think that I
actually went along the wave twice in each session, but with no sembalance
of control.
I have a lot to learn, but I'm going to learn it. I've been board surfing
for over 50 years, and right now I have some shoulder problems, so I want to
ride waves without paddling with my arms. I've seen a guy here get tubed on
a mat, so I know it can be done. I just have to learn. In some ways it's
good to be this new at something at my age.
What's the best kind of wave to learn on a mat? The videos that I've seen
on youtube all seemed to be on points with long rides. They also never show
the takeoff. I seem to be very slow moving and getting into waves.
Any advice will be appreciated.
All rights today. Omni worked really well. Above all, easy take offs. That little wave speeds up sometimes across the top of the point, and I made them all easily. At first I rode with too much air and it felt boggy. When I let out to about 120 degree fold, it slithered better. I also cranked a few top turns, insofar as that was possible --anyway, sudden redirects -- and they were effortless. So, I'm looking forward to more.
Hi Paul,
I still have the Fatty and love it, I just want something a little more fun to turn etc. If you could get it out soon, I would ever be so grateful.
I still have the Fatty and love it, I just want something a little more fun to turn etc. If you could get it out soon, I would ever be so grateful.
You are a legend! Thanks.
Hi Paul-
Been out on it 3 times so far. Twice at Ocean Beach in SF and once at Solimar in Santa Barbara. It's been good so far, but I think I still need more time to give a thorough report. The DRP rails do seem to grab a bit better than the last one.
Today my session was cut short by a bull sea lion that was a little too interested in me and ultimately scared the sh*t out of me. He kept popping his massive head up to check me out, then would go under water and do the same thing,for an uncomfortably long time, on the other side of me. He was within 20 feet of me. I was worried he was looking for a mate. Yikes!
Hi Paul,
The surf was excellent today. Leadbetter was as good as it can get, in my opinion. It was sunny, glassy, and pumping non-stop. I rode the UDT-GS on the descending tide while the swell increased. I was out for about 3 hours. The mat is fabulous -- easy take-offs, easy to handle, plenty of speed and smooth maneuverability. I rode 90 degrees inflation, or a little less. I caught a couple of the very biggest sets, more for novelty's sake than anything else, because they don't get bigger there but rather they just break farther out. The mongo sets were overhead mush burgers out in the bay. On the other hand, the in-betweeners surged along the inside in a very satisfying and muscular way, about 4-5 foot walls with steep pockets. Of the 50 guys out, only 10 knew how to surf, and none of them were hunting for the inside walls, so I surfed my brains out. Really a fantastic day. I only got out because I was exhausted and sunburnt.
I could go on raving, but I won't. Hope there's more tomorrow.
The surf was excellent today. Leadbetter was as good as it can get, in my opinion. It was sunny, glassy, and pumping non-stop. I rode the UDT-GS on the descending tide while the swell increased. I was out for about 3 hours. The mat is fabulous -- easy take-offs, easy to handle, plenty of speed and smooth maneuverability. I rode 90 degrees inflation, or a little less. I caught a couple of the very biggest sets, more for novelty's sake than anything else, because they don't get bigger there but rather they just break farther out. The mongo sets were overhead mush burgers out in the bay. On the other hand, the in-betweeners surged along the inside in a very satisfying and muscular way, about 4-5 foot walls with steep pockets. Of the 50 guys out, only 10 knew how to surf, and none of them were hunting for the inside walls, so I surfed my brains out. Really a fantastic day. I only got out because I was exhausted and sunburnt.
I could go on raving, but I won't. Hope there's more tomorrow.


Thanks for the info and the guide. I just ordered the Fatty, I think I’ll get more time with it given the local conditions. Can’t wait!
Hi Paul
Thank you very much for the Standard
Really quick turn around on manufacture and dispatch - thanks very much
I used it last week and was very impressed:
The general build is really high quality and well finished
The plug is simple to use and works well
The hot waxing on the deck means that the mat stays where you put it (not
slipping around like wet soap like my previous mat). An incredible advantage
when you have to paddle and kick to make sets, and on taking off.
I wouldn't dream of pretending to be a good enough mat surfer to comment on
the finer points of the mat's performance but I was repeatedly surprised
when thinking I'd been closed out on, to find my self zipping out onto the
unbroken shoulder
Thank you very much for the Standard
Really quick turn around on manufacture and dispatch - thanks very much
I used it last week and was very impressed:
The general build is really high quality and well finished
The plug is simple to use and works well
The hot waxing on the deck means that the mat stays where you put it (not
slipping around like wet soap like my previous mat). An incredible advantage
when you have to paddle and kick to make sets, and on taking off.
I wouldn't dream of pretending to be a good enough mat surfer to comment on
the finer points of the mat's performance but I was repeatedly surprised
when thinking I'd been closed out on, to find my self zipping out onto the
unbroken shoulder
I'll try and get some shots and send them
Thanks again
Best wishes


Dear Paul,
I purchased the fatty from you last year and I just love it!
However, I live in and surf in Chicago. I'm looking at purchasing either the UDT or the XL form the winter season. My weight is 175lbs and our conditions are icy and range from 3 to 5 foot chop to glass, on small 1 -2 foot summer days when the conditions are good I would like to take my daughter out for a tandem session. I need your help on picking the right mat.
Thank you,
Chicago, IL
I purchased the fatty from you last year and I just love it!
However, I live in and surf in Chicago. I'm looking at purchasing either the UDT or the XL form the winter season. My weight is 175lbs and our conditions are icy and range from 3 to 5 foot chop to glass, on small 1 -2 foot summer days when the conditions are good I would like to take my daughter out for a tandem session. I need your help on picking the right mat.
Thank you,
Chicago, IL
Having a blast on your mat! So far been riding it on the south shore on Oahu , shoulder to head high waves . Guys out in the line up are just wondering what the hell I'm riding! Such a challenge and want to get better riding your mat. So addicting ! Thanks for making that mat for me.
Been going to Ala Moana Beach Park right in front of the tennis courts and Diamond Head. We've been getting some head high surf on south shore. Can't wait til next Tues. when a NW swell comes in double overhead , probably check out Sunset Beach or even Chun's Reef.
Like you said there's a learning curve to all this, that what makes it fun! Like learning how to surf again. I've been just doing matting and want to master the art . It also gives my shoulders a break from all the prone paddleboard training and Molokai channel crossing this past July.
Like you said there's a learning curve to all this, that what makes it fun! Like learning how to surf again. I've been just doing matting and want to master the art . It also gives my shoulders a break from all the prone paddleboard training and Molokai channel crossing this past July.
It feels like I'm more connected to the water, feeling every texture and bump . Riding the mat on a wave is a unreal feeling! The magic carpet ride!
Hi Paul,
a couple of years ago i bought the omni. Ive had great fun with it and it has been my go to when im just not up to the conditions to surf ( meaning big and choppy).
I borrowed gary wards fatty in 3 foot junk one day and that thing was leaping over sections like ive never experienced, very very fast for me..
I just surfed a beat down mat session at bolinas, screaming hollow dredgey pits, i had a couple of pounds of sand in my wetsuit when i dragged myself out of that session.
I took a lot of pics of that bolinas session so ill forward to you to give you an idea of the surf i described.
In big surf i air the mat way down and swim under the madness, then air it up for maximum paddling to get to the takeoff zone then let quite a bit of air out before i cartch a wave.
Lisa and I had a blast again today on our mats. Hope you are getting some surf too!!
Excellent... As a kid I remember riding rafts at the Jersey shore we would rent them great fun ...
Thanks Paul!
I got the mat and i'm ready to head out on my travels.
I look forward to riding this in all kinds of waves.


Today we had a NW swell @ double overhead. Rode your mat at Sunset Beach. Had a blast and caught some of the biggest waves so far on the mat.
Today we had a NW swell @ double overhead. Rode your mat at Sunset Beach. Had a blast and caught some of the biggest waves so far on the mat.
Hello Paul,
Hope you are doing fine!
It's been over 5 years now and I just wanted to say hi and tell you that my 4GF Fatty has been the best investment in fun I have ever made. I ordered mine when you only had 4 options: Classic, Standard, Fatty and XL. I also own a Standard and a UDT which are both much fun too but the Fatty is my most used surf vehicle, it sleeps along with flippers, a towel and trunks in a bucket in the trunk of my car. The UDT is also very special to me as it was my daughter's first surfing experience when she was 4-5 yrs old, she was lying on my back hugging my neck and we would go in and out of perfect glassy 3' tubes into the channel on Inches beach in South PR. Those happy memories will always be in my mind.
Thanks a lot Paul and keep up the good work!
BTW: Fatty still in very good shape after 5 yrs, wish I had a good excuse to order a new mat but they seem to last forever!
Antonio from Puerto Rico
I surfed with Mary on Sunday! She's great! Steve and Cher were there, too. Most of the time it was just the four of us on 4GFs, trading nice little reef peaks. A pretty sublime little session, actually. I think Mary was kind of shocked by the solitude we experienced on a weekend — and when I told her there were about 20 other empty reefs to choose from nearby. It probably didn't hurt that the Chargers were playing at the time. We were really jazzed to share the Cliffs with her.
I wanted to thank you again for turning out those mats for our friends. It was really important to me after all their help and spirit boosting. I'm so stoked we pulled it off. Chris and AJ shipped out from Vancouver a week ago and should arrive in Japan in another week or so. I encouraged them to send you progress reports. I've been sharing the Chris and AJ story with all my surf mates. I only fear customers will now expect a two-day turnaround on their mat orders! Do you mind if I write a little testimonial? Oh, Steve seemed pretty curious about AJ's tiny mat. I think he might even order an "AJ" or another mini-mat.
I took the Lotus out at a beach break the other day during an overhead windswell. The period was only 5 seconds so needless to say I did a ton of duck diving. Having been riding the snot out of the UDT lately, it was nice to get the Lotus out in conditions it was made for. I don't think I would have gotten out on the UDT simply because of the amount of waves I had to go through. I think I did a full seasons-worth of duck diving in 90 minutes! Anyways, I love the Lotus!
Oh man, what can I say! 3 straight days on the Lotus in pounding beach tubes, that mat is incredible! I love how low impact eating crap in the tube is with a mat, just bear hug it and it lessens the forces substantially. Plus, you pop up quick. I especially love how the Lotus locks in to the wave, letting the rider focus on the best line instead of fighting the mat. It looks like a few more days of epic surf are on tap, so the Lotus will be getting a work out!
I just got out of the water at C street. Waves are absolutely epic for a mat. Rode the new Omni and HOLY CRAP IT IS FAST!!! Waves are 1-2 feet over head and going the whole point. Wish you guys were here. It is warm and pure glass. Have to get some work done and then back to CStreet for the afternoon session.


The morning was all time though, thanks again for the Omni. I really like it and it is coming alive as it breaks in. Many people in the water and on the boardwalk inquired how to get one so I told them the website address. Will be interesting to see if any new matters pop in the lineup this season.
Benny is thrilled and can't wait to be riding on it next week in Miami!
Regarding the speed of the DRP bottom, due to the wave size this morning I was running the mat fairly full with about a 45 degree angle when folded over (beyond 90 degrees). This gave the mat incredible grip on the face and allowed for all sorts of high-line screaming, carving turns and other fun maneuvers. The speed, despite the inflation, was incredible. In fact, when walking back up the beach after my Nth wave all the way through, an older man on a bike mentioned that "whatever that thing your riding" is waaay faster than a bodyboard (of course I agreed). In the water, several novice surfers who had not seen the mat in action asked if they work to which I simply said "wait and see". After a couple of waves they all said "we believe!!! holy smokes that thing is awesome". A middle-aged woman on a log paddled over and asked if the mat was "some new thing" to which I said they have been around so long that nobody remembers them.
I still rarely see someone else on a mat. I hear the rumors that they exist but other than Dirk / Gary / Andrew Buck I think I have only bumped into 4 or 5 others on mats in 18 months.
Gary and Dirk never made out for the evening session. Dirk said he scored empty Campus so good for him. Not sure what happened to Gary.
Sweet! Thanks much Paul . I'm really digging these mats
Best. Joe
Best. Joe
Hi Paul,
We received the Tracker today! Thank you so much!
Thanks so much for everything.
All best, Alhena
All best, Alhena
Surfed pretty good El Cap, only 3 guys for the first 2 hours. 2-4 foot, dropping tide, waves went further and further into the cove. Omni DRP went like a slot car. Got a mess of good waves. Tired. Got lucky today!
Thanks Paul. Next week should be perfect. Looks like we're going to get some swell in Homer Alaska.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Hi Paul
Finally got some barreling beach break here. Had alot of fun on Vespa. Learned that if you slide back on the mat it will lay in the barrel like crazy. Took the standard out on incoming tide and had 2 of the best tubes of my life!!! Was sliding a bit at number 7 inflation so dropped it to 90 degree and whoa!!!! I remember flinching in a nice barrel thinking it was over and it just kept going!!! 3.5hr session 2 mats. Now coffee and ibuprofen.
Haha. Always look forward to the photos as much as the testimonials. Well done.
Although I miss the naked woman. A perennial fave.
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