Nov 3, 2022

Lotus Feeback


Hi Paul,

Sorry to be so remiss in sending feedback on the Lotus.

I’ve had only 3 sessions on the Lotus. The first was a chunky bumpy day about head high, nothing remarkable until I caught a clean wave. I turned mid face, setting the line and it JUST TOOK OFF. Instant acceleration. I was flabbergasted. Second and third sessions much better surf days, the Lotus holds a line, great off the bottom, no hesitation,  and is responsive to input. 
My fave big wave mat!

I picked up a barely used blue streak lotus from Rob up here. Only one session on it. Had to deflate and swim out twice. One thing I noticed with the lighter fabric, it doesn’t absorb some of the bumps, it was pretty clean day and I was surprised as I’m bouncing, flying thru the air. Other than that it was a solid mat I’ll have to do more side by side comparisons.

And lastly my most recent surf I rode my Standard. It’s still my all time favorite mat. Period.

Thanks Paul, for making a great wave riding vehicle. I tell curious people all the time about how to get mats from you. 

Much joy much love,


P.S. Maybe I have too many expectations. I was talking to a guy about mats and your and where to get them. He had questions on the kind of waves you could ride them in. I was telling him about Greenough and him filming from inside the tube, on a mat. “George Greenough who’s that”, Innermost limits of Pure Fun… "don’t know it”  I explained briefly some history.  But to the blank expression I paddled for a set wave. Shaking my head in dismay.