Jun 10, 2011

From Planet Pendarvis...

Dear Paul,

Hello, we hope that our email finds you doing well.

We have had some cleaner surf the last few days and it's been fun.

The two previous weeks had a lot of windswell. Steve and I were blessed to surf often together in the last few weeks.

On Thursday of last week we took our 4th Gear Flyers out to the left reef. The swell was mixed long period south and north west windswell, about five feet. The north wind was blowing at about 16 mph into the lefts. We kicked and swam out to the reef, bouncing over the one-two foot high wind chops in the channel. The water was about 57. I had blown my 4 GF Standard up pretty tight, and with the cold water, it lost some of its firmness and was going well on the cleaner middle-to-inside left walls. Steve was on the outside peak, catching the bombs and pulling into the pockets in the brisk wind, so I decided to catch a few outsiders, too. Haha! Whew!

It's amazing how fast the 4th Gear flyers go, and how much fun they are, even in crazy, windy conditions. Steve and I had a blast!

Here's a photo from the morning before the wind came up. We had to go off to work, and surf later in the wind.

We hope that you have a great day.

Love and Aloha,
Cher and Steve

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