Over in Europe, Tom devised a way to simultaneously inflate his mat while checking out the chicas on the beach...a solid tip for guy mat riders everywhere!
Marc's surf-trip-of-a-lifetime to France was spoiled when he was robbed at gunpoint leaving the water on day one...
Deflated mats are easier to transport...but in most countries, you get an insurance discount for having a scooter with a permanently deployed air bag!
The July issue of For Men Only featured a stunning expose' on the surf culture entitled, "The Hell Surfers."
Inspired by actual events, the final chapter of Hell Surfers depicts a bizarre beach-orgy during an LA County Mat Meet!
Up in Santa Cruz, Daniel misconstrued his new-found trim speed for superhuman wave riding talent!
Charlie Sheen never lost sight of his Malibu roots...flying the 4GF colors at a Vegas shindig!
Mat riders the world over held their collective breath as Surfer Magazine re-discovered mat surfing...
Mat Max proved that you can indeed ride a mat in a crowd!
2011 also proved that fat guys sporting reef walkers and a trans-green surf mat will never go out of style!
Rocco The Cat -- who helps me build mats when he isn't napping -- turned one year old in June!
Mr. Dirk was the only participant who showed up for "Santa Barbara Mat Meet #1." We asked him to grab some digital action pics for the blog, and he generously obliged...
The highest and best use for body boards was finally discovered...
The art world was overjoyed when a long-lost Picasso entitled "Muchacho Feliz En Azul" (Happy Boy In Blue), was unearthed. World renown "mat riding Picasso historian" Mr. Ricky of Los Angeles assessed the piece. "My educated guess is that it might be from Picasso's Blue Period...you know, since it's mostly blue, and blue is in the title and stuff..."
"Muchacho Feliz" foretold of surf mats, wetsuits, and Churchill swim fins over 100 years ago! It was discovered at the bottom of an Easter egg basket in an abandoned storage unit in Gardena, California. "I hope I get my money back," Mr. B. Weiss of Beverly Hills commented after finding the dog-earred image. "After all, I paid 50 bucks for that locker in auction..." No worries, Mr. Weiss!
After blazing across LA County walls for several years, Surf Sister finally learned how to go straight off...
And finally, 2011 concluded with a bang when the "surfmatters.xxx" home page was launched!
Update! Chad in the OC just made the 2011 deadline with this surf matting video gem!
Surfmat in many different ways from chad Stickney on Vimeo.
A cat welding?!?!?! Watch them claws!!!!!! :-0
chad stickney you have just written my christmas list 2012 a jet ski tow out a standing river run off and tubes to dream for oh and a nice bike ride to the beach thankyou, mart
Re: the 34 cent postage due -- I'm so impressed that the USPS delivered it anyway, instead of kicking it back to me!
Good to see the year in review like that! Chad's video brought it all to a wonderful conclusion.
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