Thanks Paul
Gift for our son we're looking foward to his bday and some beach time.
Regards ....dc
hi paul,
as an old Malibu surfer who started on a raft in 1956, after 56 years of surfing i'm back, due to physical limitations, on a raft. yes you can go home again...
msa member 1965
Cheers Paul,
I rode my little hull on the weekend. The
waves were really nice on the hull. But too many guys out, only got a couple of
waves. So went in, got a mat out, surfed some mush further down and had a far
better session :)
Take it easy.
I am feeling, thinking and dreaming a new mat.
Hey PG, hope you're well!
I've been scoring a bunch of great waves on my GS-UDT!
Man, what a mat. I've only tried the 5gf a few times - a ton of speed and
hold in the juicy stuff, but it feels like too much of my shoulder hangs off the
inside edge, creating a lot of drag when I'm in trim. Any advice for adjusting
to a mat that's so much narrower than my shoulders?
Updates aside, I'm emailing is to inquire
about one of those mini-mats. A friend of mine, Jon Wegener (one of the two
brothers behind the Alaia and Paipo trend, and also a pretty notable shaper of
sustainable surfboards) asked me about getting one for his daughter, Sydney,
who's a skinny, tiny 10 year old girl. Their whole family spends time in the
water, and Sydney LOVES matting - but her pool-toy version sprung a
The Wegeners live down in Encinitas, and
depending on the price, I might just order her one and bring it down to her.
Alternatively, if you're interested, I could put you in touch with Jon, and
maybe you two could work out a trade for a paipo. It's totally your call, and
there's no pressure either way.
In case you're interested, here's a
little info on the paipo from Jon's (more famous) brother, Tom: http://www.thepaiposociety.com/2012/07/02/tom-wegener-the-paipo-and-surfing/
Paul. Just purchased. Thanks for expediting the order – headed to Newport Beach, my kids should love it. I appreciate that you brought back the old Classic!
Paul. Just purchased. Thanks for expediting the order – headed to Newport Beach, my kids should love it. I appreciate that you brought back the old Classic!
Nate is very excited about trying
it. I think his roommate in San Diego has the same model.
Thanks again!
Thanks again!
Had a few fun surfs on the omni/fatty. Fatty was great! Flat-faced waves
everywhere. We surfed wategoes on the way home yesterday. Such a fun wave. Audi
and I were having party waves almost every wave and crossing over and sharing
the power. We love that the most.
hey Paul been a while since we've caught up.
have done a few missions to SR
this season already. 2 trips ago i caught 1 wave down the point never felt the
mat go so fast was fourth gear flying lol. this last swell I went left off the
reef caught a solid deep tube ride. My round tail tracker has been working
better then ever. so pumped on that mat. Trying to save up to get the greenough
17ft boat but that will be a few years in the making. Hope all's well.
Hi Paul,
Perfect timing as we plan to
head to the beach this
I will let you know how our first
Surf Mat adventure goes. I
am so excited!!
Thanks again & I'll keep
you posted.
Have a nice nice evening &
thanks for putting my name
on mine! 😄
Tess :)
Paul- Many thanks for the very prompt reply. I'll be ordering my Surfmat within
the next few days.
I'm not used to such good
Once again thank you.......Scott
I'm lost in Sacramento with four days till I head south. I might even get in
the water on tuesday of next week. What novel thought!
I am feeling, thinking and dreaming a new mat.
Hi Paul,
The surf mats arrived! Yeah!
We will hopefully be trying them out this
Keep you posted!
Thanks for everything!
Happy Friday -
Tess :)
Rode the
Omni in lined up point waves for the first time this morning. It works
There was a bit more swell than I
expected, I got some nice open faces. Excellent glide and speed. It
seemed to be easier to trim up out of a bottom turn/drift. Easy entry into waves
and, after riding the mini exclusively for a few weeks, plenty of float. I am
really stoked. The mat works quite well.
I have never gotten
this level of customer service.
Thanks for your
Now just to
Hi Paul
the mat today after we got back from the beach. Thank you very much for finding
a solution for me and for getting it here so quickly. Looking forward to trying
it out in the ocean tomorrow (my oldest put it in the bath tub and wanted to try
it but had to call safety violation and make him wait until tomorrow).
again very much. I appreciate it and wish you the best.
Thanks! I can’t wait to get in the water with my new Fatty. Haven’t surfed a
matt since the 70’s. This is going to be so much fun.
City, MD
I've read everything I can find on
mats...not like just blow it up all the way and just lay on top is it?
Sounds like a real kick. I'm surprised its not more popular...
Just tried out my tracker.
Super fun.
Hi Paul,
Got the surf mat today and gave it a
test ride this morning in about waist high surf. Super easy to catch waves, too
bad I can only go straight. I'm not much of a body boarder so I was dragging my
legs all over the place. Plus I don't use fins a lot. I gave it to my wife and
she was super stoked. Can't wait for her to get back with a report and how it
works with the baby belly. Thanks again Paul!!!!!
thanks again
Hey Paul,
and my kid (11 years old) took our mats to Santa Barbara last week and had a
blast. We laughed so hard our bellies hurt.
mats are FAST, and they make mat surfing totally different.
I’ll probably order more to take to Mexico.
I just ordered the Fatty... getting stoked already :). Thank you so much for getting it going so quickly for me and please let me know if you need me to add more PayPal $ for any expedited shipping (according to the PayPal site delivery was estimated to take 1-2 weeks).
with much appreciation,
I just ordered the Fatty... getting stoked already :). Thank you so much for getting it going so quickly for me and please let me know if you need me to add more PayPal $ for any expedited shipping (according to the PayPal site delivery was estimated to take 1-2 weeks).
with much appreciation,
Good Morning Paul,
First: I want to let you know that I greatly appreciate and respect your efforts and longevity as a part of surf culture. Much mahalos.
I am 6'7" tall and weigh 225 lbs (tall/swimmer-type build). I just measured 45" inches from the top of my shoulder to my kneecap if that is any help.
Omni?, XL?, a round-tail?... I've got no experience on surf mats or boogie boards and I am open to your recommendations from any mats you may have in stock.
Thank you again,
Thanks Paul,
I'm really looking forward to it.
Thinking it may open some fresh
opportunities here.
Thanks again
Hi Paul,
Been having some computer issues, but i wanted to let you know
that the Vespa arrived today.
Thank you so much for your quick delivery and
Your professionalism is much appreciated and a high water mark
for many small businesses to strive for.
Can't wait to get it in the water this weekend, i'll be sure
to pass on any inquires from other surfriders to your site.
BTW; The SurfMatters blog is a great resource, i was
originally researching body surfing fins a while back, found your blog and
that's how i found out about the surf mats.
Peter G
It has
been an active summer for me, and quite some time (four and half months) since I
purchased the Standard from you during that spring sale. As it turns out,
for a rider of my size (5' 8", 145#) it is a fantastic mat in the 3-6' range,
especially when the waves are fast and hollow. After riding my TRT and 5GF mats
all winter, I found the Standard responds much in the way a squash
tail thruster (80s shape) does, as compared to winged or rounded pin tail
surfboard (70s or fun shape).
With its decidedly square template, the Standard is quite maneuverable in the pocket and turns on a dime out on the face. The real key lies, as most experienced mat riders know, in riding it at only partial inflation, say 90-100 degree bend in the mat when inflated. When "floppy," the Standard provides amazing speed in the curl and off the bottom, and a trim sensation heightened by having less mat underneath me.
With its decidedly square template, the Standard is quite maneuverable in the pocket and turns on a dime out on the face. The real key lies, as most experienced mat riders know, in riding it at only partial inflation, say 90-100 degree bend in the mat when inflated. When "floppy," the Standard provides amazing speed in the curl and off the bottom, and a trim sensation heightened by having less mat underneath me.
Hope you
are getting waves and looking forward to a great fall. Good luck with mat
production and sales. One day me and my bro Jason want to hook up with you for
a surf/story session, as surf stoke is the stuff of life. Thanks for such a
great blog; it's truly inspiring to see how many stoked riders there are out
there, especially when it feels like I'm the only one for miles here on the
North Coast.
Two thumbs
up on the Standard model, my bro may just want one too!
Stoked as
Jeffrey G.
All the mat grabbers at
Moonlight Glassing thank you. I just hope I get to
Thanks! We are looking forward to it! It is for my husband and he can't wait
to get in the water with it!
Hi Paul
Surfed it today in waist-high surf and it felt fantastic, i'll send some action photos of my future sessions when possible
The Mat arrived yesterday, it's a
beautiful work of art done by yourself
Thank's for the written dedication on the
flanges !
Surfed it today in waist-high surf and it felt fantastic, i'll send some action photos of my future sessions when possible
thank you very much
just got the refund- you are better than Nordstoms !!
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Thank you Paul.
What great service. I've
been meaning to get my own surfmat for years then my friend mentioned your
product. I'm planning a gold coast oz/ possible New Z trip in 6 months. Want to
get it into some broken head and Byron swell. I also have a few single fins. I need to decide which to travel
Hi Paul,
We've had a run of small swell many classic days for the mat unfortunately unable to get out on the L7. Indo is only 8 weeks away and counting !
Check out Wardie Wards youtube channel some good mat riding clips unsure if you have seen them or not.
Got to rush out for a mat surf I'll send a better report later...
Many cheers
Hello Paul,
As for the Vespa, got i out in some 3-4 foot faces on Sunday
morning and man, what a kick in the wetsuit.
Got pitched out the front door on my first take off, and after
that it just got better and better. Plenty of speed, glide and
control. Thank you so much for crafting such awesome
I am definitely trying to get funds to order an OMNI before
the sale ends.
I would like to get a more square tailed mat to see if it
tracks the wave like the cheapo mat i took out before getting the Vespa Roundtail.
Basically, used the cheapo to practice duck diving and just to kick with at the
rivers, the one time i took it out in surf, i was mostly setting my daughters up
for rides on their boards while i jumped on some small little runners that gave
me the idea of the speed mats attain. i did notice that the parallel rails did track the wave diferent, and would
love to try a 4GF square tail.
Best Regards,
Peter G
hey, pablo.
loving my mat(s)... doing all i can to spread the word.
loving my mat(s)... doing all i can to spread the word.
Hi Paul,
Just wanted to thank you ahead of time
for the surf mats. I have been interested in getting back into surfing for some
time now but have been turned off by the crowds. Mat surfing seems like a great
solution to expanding my horizons.
I'm a lucky guy to have a wife who is open to
new experiences and order a mat for herself. We used my wife's PayPal account
for the orders. The Classic is for her and the Vespa RT is for myself.
Rick M
Sweet! Thank you! I can't believe how fast you work!
I can't wait for some surf
to get into 4th gear!
Awesome! Thanks
Can’t wait, haven’t seen a mat in Long island yet
Hi Paul,
Just put my order in for the OMNI.
Can't express how stoked i am on these awesome surf craft you
I've been out twice more on the Vespa this week at two
different spots up here, both were maxing out at about head high and had so much
fun. I'll spare you the details, but it is so fun to be working on a new wave
riding technique that utilizes my experience reading waves and judging take off
zones, and then creating a whole new method of riding waves. I'm so stoked on
mats, i wish i would have found them ten years ago, but 'all good things in all
good time', and the time is now for me and this awesome new ocean
Thanks so much being a portal to such a unique way of
interacting with the ocean. You are truly a purveyor of stoke and the power of the
Thanks again, i'm sure i'll be back for another mat before
long, maybe a mini for my girls, i'm going to try and tandem them on the Vespa
Peter G
Very cool
These sure have matured since the ones we
rode in the 80s.
Can't wait
Sent from my phone . . . barely . . .
looking forward to receiving the Fatty! Thanks for the guide, and I’ll let you
know how everything goes.
Hi Paul,
Really appreciate the design info on your web site. I"m getting close to buying a new mat?
Thanks for maintaining my favorite website.
Really appreciate the design info on your web site. I"m getting close to buying a new mat?
Thanks for maintaining my favorite website.
Paul! Thanks so much for the quick response.
Now if a
swell would arrive as quick I'd be ecstatic.
Just got back from Pismo with 2-3 ft. and certainly more push than last 5-6 weeks. Perfect for me as I had no problem pushing through and caught many more waves that if boarding. Found waves I would ignore with a board were a gas with my mat.
Lots to
work on but after watching Greenough videos I think I'm not far off
with what was pretty much instinct. Need to watch my position at take off to
make sure I'm far enough forward as I tend to slip back in between sets. I can
tell how subtle changes in position and weight can make a big difference. I'm
forgetting entirely about leg position but oh well, need to be
Love being
more in the water and the sensation of speed seems greater.
Thanks for
the help and encouragement.
Hey Paul,
Hope you are doing well, just read about he dropped rail
design which sounds most interesting, also sounds like you've been surfing which
is always great.
The mats came at the end of last week, i have been super busy,
and have only got out once in the last week,
It was kinda small so i took out the Vespa and once again had
a blast. Caught a bunch of waves and am constantly amazed at the connectivity i
feel to the wave sliding on my mat, such a great source of energy and stoke.
which by the way, i am now totally hooked and find myself thinking about matting
with all my free time, thank you so much for sharing these incredible wavecraft
with the world.
.I really never thought i'd find something to be so stoked
about, again.
The girls are anxious to get their mat wet, which will
probably have to wait til next weekend as i am busy with work this
Just wanted to say thanks again. I better run, just wanted to say thanks again and let
you know how much your work and dedication to this wonderful art of mat riding
has given me already.
Best Regards,
Peter G
hi paul,
just got back from 3 days in
Tofino(beach break) I was on the standard you sent
me last year the swell was still good for a few days
and I'm happy to say the skinny girl went awesome
but needed more effort all-round soo… my question… omni or another
I surf mostly reef and river mouth (south
vancouver island)
I'm 6'2' 205lb.
Willy M
Paul! Nice turnaround! There's a turnout at the Manhattan Beach pier this
weekend for mat and paipo nuttz so if I get my mat by thursday I know what I'll
be doing! Thanks!
It's getting colder already, winter is knocking on the door within a month or so...
I enjoyed riding my Omni in the thick wind swells, too. I was so stoked to make late take-offs and get in the pocket, and then make sections all the way to the beach when the waves lined up. Paul, thanks so much, late take-offs are so much better for me on the Omni.
Thank you Paul for creating such awesomely fun wave riding crafts!
Love and Aloha,
Cher and Steve
Hi Paul,
After waiting for weeks finally a good swell hits Holland. Last week we had very good waves and tons of good rides. Roundtail tracker and the XL model gives me a blast!
After waiting for weeks finally a good swell hits Holland. Last week we had very good waves and tons of good rides. Roundtail tracker and the XL model gives me a blast!
It's getting colder already, winter is knocking on the door within a month or so...
Hi Paul,
Steve and I hope that you, Gloria and your whole family are doing well.
We've had some great fun riding our 4GF mats lately, with the NW wind swells.
Steve had a great session last week on the bigger day, riding his 5GF. It's become his go-to mat of late. He was taking off deeper than anyone and racing fast down the line, sometimes doing controlled slides to slow down and stay in the pocket.
Steve and I hope that you, Gloria and your whole family are doing well.
We've had some great fun riding our 4GF mats lately, with the NW wind swells.
Steve had a great session last week on the bigger day, riding his 5GF. It's become his go-to mat of late. He was taking off deeper than anyone and racing fast down the line, sometimes doing controlled slides to slow down and stay in the pocket.
I enjoyed riding my Omni in the thick wind swells, too. I was so stoked to make late take-offs and get in the pocket, and then make sections all the way to the beach when the waves lined up. Paul, thanks so much, late take-offs are so much better for me on the Omni.
Thank you Paul for creating such awesomely fun wave riding crafts!
Love and Aloha,
Cher and Steve
Aloha Paul,
looking to
increase my 1 mat quiver. Looks like im matting for a while had
some stem cell therapy done to hip so no stand up surfing for maybe a year, so i
am now full fledgling matman!!!
Hi Paul,
Just received the Vespa. Love it! And
it's so light. Can't wait to try it on the canary islands in 2 weeks.
All the best from Berlin,
Wow Thanks !
Surfed Dirkos yesterday -- the miniature reefs in front of the playground. Gorgeous sunny low tide, consistent peaks here and there, only 3 foot max but dead glass and delicately formed. I was all alone, and really got to mess around with my positioning, my technique lifting the front corner, keeping my head low, gliding thru the flats into the reforms. It was most excellent. I'm still not as light and strong as I wish, but I feel ready to give Rincon a try.
I will be traveling to Maine soon and to
Puerto Rico to teach surfing in Luquillo. I think a mat is the best for
versatility / traveling.
Send a couple stickers if you have
Thank you,
David M
I had the
opportunity yesterday to surf with Gary at Rincon in perfect 1-2 foot
overhead waves wrapping from the indicator to the top of the cove. I rode the
Fatty and did great, but kept thinking I should have been on the standard except
there were the occasional flat section that I know I would not have gotten over
with the standard. Gary rode his new Omni. He had nearly the same flat section glide as the
fatty but seemed to stick to the face much better in the most critical sections.
We rode many waves together to compare and I think the omni was the ideal mat
for yesterday's conditions. The fatty was amazing, but I could tell I had more
fabric than necessary to get the job done. I rode one rogue wave with a 10' face
all the way down the point without drama, but less fabric would have made it
more exciting ( I love the standard ).
I am now interested in the XL, Omni and
Lotus 7. I am in the process of getting a few friends and family to combine an
order. It looks like Gary wants a Fatty, my dad wants a standard/omni, and few
friends are getting back to me with what they want to do. How much lead time
would you need to put together an order of 6-8 mats? I may drive up to get them
when visiting a friend up your way, or may have you ship them.
P.S. I met a man at Rincon named Guerden
who says he is a friend of yours. He was happy to see that others are riding
mats with confidence.
Great to see the innovation never
Take it easy
Thanks Paul! Maybe we'll get a chance to try it out in Santa Cruz this weekend!
Hi Paul,
I just wanted you to know how great the standard has been working for
me. Yesterday was the best of the year at my local, R coast beach.
It was amazing how well the standard held a line, even with both fins
out of the water. Plenty of speed for the sections that the surfers
were having a hard time making.
I just wanted you to know how great the standard has been working for
me. Yesterday was the best of the year at my local, R coast beach.
It was amazing how well the standard held a line, even with both fins
out of the water. Plenty of speed for the sections that the surfers
were having a hard time making.
Hi Paul,
Surfed Dirkos yesterday -- the miniature reefs in front of the playground. Gorgeous sunny low tide, consistent peaks here and there, only 3 foot max but dead glass and delicately formed. I was all alone, and really got to mess around with my positioning, my technique lifting the front corner, keeping my head low, gliding thru the flats into the reforms. It was most excellent. I'm still not as light and strong as I wish, but I feel ready to give Rincon a try.
Hi Paul,
Thank you! Either myself or my wife Lisa
will be ordering an Omni very soon. It's technically my Christmas present but
she knows I've wanted one for a while now so we'll both be stoked. Me
for getting a new mat and her for early Christmas shopping
Thanks again,
Wanted to let you know my mat arrived in
the mail yesterday. I'm really impressed and I can't wait to use it...
Thanks for the fast service.
Hi Paul
Some more feedback on the standard, not
that it is needed for such a well proven mat.
Maybe this is because I am light and
skinny (and a novice), but it is now my go-to mat for all but the smallest of
waves. It feels like an easier Mat to tune in than the larger mats, even in
small waves. One of your earlier blogs seemed to confirm this, regarding less
squeeze being needed to reach the limits of inflation and deflation in a smaller
In the past have been riding the standard
at about 180 degree fold in small waves, and it has been going real fast on fat
sections, but (for a novice) a bit like driving a car on ice, once the wave
develops a steep wall. This morning in 2-3 foot below average waves I gave it a
go at 90 degree fold instead, after reading some old comments by Max and you. I
found this setting worked better because it allowed me to sit much deeper in the
pocket than usual. Being closer to the power, it still had the effortless glide
feel of 180 fold out on the shoulder. But it didn't need as much squeezing to
change from slide to control. It was such a buzz doing a controlled slide under
a pitching lip.
All the best
Hi Paul,
Wow so quick! Thank you very much! I can't
wait to ride it.
read the riders guide as well. I'm up for the challenge and like the fact it
will take time to learn. I think it will make me a better surfer altogether and
sure looks like fun. Gotta say I've seen more pics of people smiling while
riding mats than other surf craft. I haven't spoken to him in a while but I've
heard nothing but good things from Steve Pendarvaris as well. He puts deck pads
on my kneeboards from time to time and has always raved about mat surfing when I
ask him about surfing. Thanks again, I'll let you know how it
Oh yea thanks very much!! It's going up to my moms in humboldt county, goin to
visit for a week . May try it out there , a couple spots that are fun to hand
plane around there!
Yea I figure having the option of two different models to play with and feel the difference would be sweet. Thx very much , I read the riders guide and have been doing as much reading and watching of YouTube vids I can to learn more. Awesome stuff . Thanks so much!
Yea I figure having the option of two different models to play with and feel the difference would be sweet. Thx very much , I read the riders guide and have been doing as much reading and watching of YouTube vids I can to learn more. Awesome stuff . Thanks so much!
Hi Paul,
Thanks very much, Im very excited about this mat as the last standard you sent me is probably my most used and favourite mat, and it goes so good .... if this new one is better.. wow.
Unfortunately I didnt make it to Prono Paradiso due to other commitments so we had a mini mat meet out the front with 6 matters of which 4 were girls !!!
We have had a really good month for matting, only a couple of exceptional days, but many days of great mat waves which would be sub grade for the boards. I never get tired of hearing board riders whine about no waves whilst we are surfed out from the mat. In fact this past week I actually had three days off in a row which is the longest stint without a matsurf Ive had since riding your mats for almost two years.
Many thanks
Thanks very much, Im very excited about this mat as the last standard you sent me is probably my most used and favourite mat, and it goes so good .... if this new one is better.. wow.
Unfortunately I didnt make it to Prono Paradiso due to other commitments so we had a mini mat meet out the front with 6 matters of which 4 were girls !!!
We have had a really good month for matting, only a couple of exceptional days, but many days of great mat waves which would be sub grade for the boards. I never get tired of hearing board riders whine about no waves whilst we are surfed out from the mat. In fact this past week I actually had three days off in a row which is the longest stint without a matsurf Ive had since riding your mats for almost two years.
Many thanks
Thanks Paul,
I'm a 65 year old lifetime surfer. I
have a quiver of at least a dozen boards and have surfed virtually everywhere in
the world.
My last few go outs have compelled me to
acknowledge that my skills are gradually eroding and my surfing is becoming
somewhat less satisfying as a result but I still hope for at least another
decade in the water.
I saw a guy ripping on one of your mats
last year at Razors, and a conversation ensued that let
me know you were the builder. I'm anxious to experience mat surfing once again
since that was my original introduction to wave tools in the early 1960's in
Huntington Beach.
Anxious now to play with your mat in
some of this winters peeler's. I'll send some photos ( I have a host of friends
and inevitably I'll end up with some once we start the winter surf train,) as
the season progresses.
Aloha Paul,
Thank you for your time and the great mats!
Mats arrived just now. Spoke to Boyd on the phone and he wants me to give his mat to George as he is going away this weekend. So I will see George tomorrow and deliver the mats along with his letter.
Surfs not that crash hot, a bit windy and head height so Im straight out there for a test run. The forecast is excellent for early next week so will definitely be getting a good try before indo in 3 weeks.
Thanks again and regards
The omni felt great. It is noticeably larger than the standard I was riding but smaller feeling than my trusty fatty. It held on the wave face with minimal effort and generated good speed.
I did longboard the other day for the first time in a while at 38th Ave. It was pretty fun.
Hoping to surf indicators after work today. Low tide and a little NW- could be fun. I wish you could come up and mat with us, that would be a gas.
listening to Sister Rosetta Tharpe and getting ready to do the dishes.
best to you, thanks for all. my mats are wonderful
uncle stein
So thanks and have a great winter. Wish me luck
Thanks heaps. Wow super quick. I will let you know about our progress.
The Dutch sea is getting empty, cause of the cold. I love this time of the year. No crowds and screaming surfers. Just the wave, the mat and myself. Life can be so easy!
1M swell today so took the L7 out. 2-3 feet face height breaking in 6 inches of water over razor sharp coral, unsurfable on a board but I got piped off my head in perfect crystal cylinders time after time until I was worn out. Got chased by a big sea snake paddling the lagoon...... got to love the tropics. Swell increase tomorrow.
Thanks again for rushing the Lotus, just in time for the first real waves in a while!
Hi Paul
Our mats arrived today in tip top condition. We are super super stoked with them. Only problem is we are having storm surf for the next couple of days. Oh well. It can’t last for ever.
Thanks Heaps
Hi Paul,
The Omni arrived last week. Thanks for the speedy service! I have taken it out twice already and the speed has blown my mind!
In the past, I have surfed pretty much every surf vehicle known to man! But I have never experienced speed like I did on this surf mat! On a couple of overhead waves I caught, the mat just reached the bottom of the wave and hit some sort of 'turbo-button' or something and just took off and flew! I grabbed to big fist fulls of mat at the front the first time it happened because I felt like I was going to take off! I cant wait to learn how to utilize this speed like I've seen guys do on 'youtube'! It's going to be so much fun!
It's not just the speed that was a surprise either. I caught one wave that held me in the lip a little too long and then bottomed out over a shallow inside bank. I was in the lip thinking I was going to get hammered when the wave hit the shallow bank, but when I started free falling the mat then seemed to suck onto the wave face and change it's shape to fit perfectly to the contour of the wave and then hurl me down the face like a roller-coaster ride at amazing speed and then out and around the section! What other surfing vehicle can do that? No other surfing vehicle is flexible enough to change itself to the shape of the wave and then utilize the energy of the wave like that.....amazing!
Anyway, I can't thank you enough for the mat Paul. Not only has it given me this incredible surfing experience but it has also opened up a whole new world of surfing opportunities in a area that has already reached surfer saturation point (Gold Coast). On-shore, cross-shore, off-shore....all fine! I'm planning to hit the "Super-Bank" next time it's on-shore with no one out!
Thank you Paul,
I got one of your Tracker RT mats about
3 years ago and been having a great time surfing it here in Hawaii. We had some
unreal surf in the beginning of the summer and the Tracker absolutely shined!
However the pumping swells eventually stopped, leaving us with a month-long lull
of flat to shin-high surf.
Although I was still able to get in to
the micro surf with the Tracker, I found myself doing more kicking than gliding
through the weak sections of the waves.
I wanted to ask if you are accepting
orders for the Greenough spec UDT? And if you think this design might be a
better option for the tiniest surf we get here on the South Shore of Oahu?
I am 6'2" 195lbs and 37 years old. I have been surfing about 22 years and
mat-riding for about 13 of those years.
If you think the Greenough UDT would fit the bill for long, please let me know the best way I can place an
Hi Paul,
Mats arrived just now. Spoke to Boyd on the phone and he wants me to give his mat to George as he is going away this weekend. So I will see George tomorrow and deliver the mats along with his letter.
Surfs not that crash hot, a bit windy and head height so Im straight out there for a test run. The forecast is excellent for early next week so will definitely be getting a good try before indo in 3 weeks.
Thanks again and regards
The omni felt great. It is noticeably larger than the standard I was riding but smaller feeling than my trusty fatty. It held on the wave face with minimal effort and generated good speed.
Hi Paul,
received the mat on Monday and surfed over the weekend. It was really
a lot of waves even though the surf was only like waist high, and
to taking it out on a bigger day. So far the biggest adjustment I
I'll need to make is positioning on the mat.
It was kind of tricky for me to
move forward on the mat transitioning from
paddling to riding the waves.
Maybe this was because I inflated the mat a little more
than I will need to as
I get
better, but I needed to be
back on the mat a little while paddling or my fins
would be
too high in/out of the water.
Then when catching the waves I need to
on getting further forward on the mat faster when transitioning
paddling to dropping in the waves.
Me be engineer and running and engineering company I was quite
fascinated with your mat construction. Very cool , well thought out !
I am pretty mat-evangelical. I love matting so much. One of the boogie teenagers
from the Lane has borrowed a mat and is loving it. I really liked Ace's letter.
I understand Steve Pendarvis has also become pretty mat-centric. We love Cher
and Steve. Such sweet folks.
I did longboard the other day for the first time in a while at 38th Ave. It was pretty fun.
Hoping to surf indicators after work today. Low tide and a little NW- could be fun. I wish you could come up and mat with us, that would be a gas.
Alright, all the best.
the lane was fun, surf middle peak and the reform. not quite enough swell for
indicators to be consistant. In the water two people asked where I got my mat- I must have looked like I was
having fun. I was.
came home to mixed drinks and a lovely pasta
listening to Sister Rosetta Tharpe and getting ready to do the dishes.
best to you, thanks for all. my mats are wonderful
uncle stein
I can't wait to try it out.
Ive been exclusively riding the new standard DRP every day, from a wave face
height from 2 - 8 feet. While on the smaller fatter stuff the glide is slightly
diminished the solid feel of a super low inflation compensates. Generally though
Ive been riding about a number7 to 180 fold inflation thereabouts and find it
just locks onto that rail even at a lower inflation level.
A couple of days when
the surf was clean and good the mat was going off, generating unbelievable speed
by holding higher quicker and longer ( does that make sense ??) without any
sliding to the bottom of the wave . So good for pulling in, even in closeouts
seem to be able to travel for longer. I think it may have the widest rangre of
wave size so far. The one thing that really amazes me, and for the life of me I
cant comprehend why, is how easy it catches waves !!!! So yes I love it !!!!
Oh and it also tracks on the diagonal like its going straight !!!!!!
Tremor, Clay and I had a good session at Dume yesterday. The highlight was when,
after Tremor and I laughed about how I always ran him over at least once in past
sessions, I floored it and barreled into him on purpose! He and I were screaming
with laughter. We both got knocked off course. It was great!
Thanks again for everything. I'm so excited to get back in the water ( warm
water) what I'm writing for is to let you know my friends Greg and Polly Barber
turned me on to your surf mats. They were so happy with their experience I will
now try it.
So thanks and have a great winter. Wish me luck
Hi Paul
Thanks heaps. Wow super quick. I will let you know about our progress.
Hi Paul,
Today i had a session on the UDT mat, on microwaves conditions (but clean ones and offshore).
The mat works so good on small surf!
Today i had a session on the UDT mat, on microwaves conditions (but clean ones and offshore).
The mat works so good on small surf!
The Dutch sea is getting empty, cause of the cold. I love this time of the year. No crowds and screaming surfers. Just the wave, the mat and myself. Life can be so easy!
Counting the days for our CA trip!
Marc (and Esther)
Marc (and Esther)
You get A+ for service.
Hey Paul,
thanks so much for my Omni surf mat. I've been
out a couple times and it's been a blast. One question though for you - both
times I've scuffed my chin pretty good from riding the mat - not sure if you've
heard this from other riders or have any suggestions.
Hi Paul,
1M swell today so took the L7 out. 2-3 feet face height breaking in 6 inches of water over razor sharp coral, unsurfable on a board but I got piped off my head in perfect crystal cylinders time after time until I was worn out. Got chased by a big sea snake paddling the lagoon...... got to love the tropics. Swell increase tomorrow.
Thank you
very much!
I am
pretty excited with the idea of riding a mat. I´ve never seen anybody riding a
mat. Actually I´ll bet that nobody in Spain practice this kind of surfing.
Keep in
touch! I´ll tell
you my first experience with the 4GF.
The mat has arrived
damn that was fast Paul
You rock, Paul!
Ole has really been looking forward to getting one of your mats. I am going to give it to him as an early Xmas present. I might be ordering one for myself in the near future :) I will try his out and will let you know.
I just ordered him a pair of DaFins as well to help him kick into
waves. Excited to get in the water with your
6 hours today on the Lotus at Rincon.
Waves were a 5 out of 10 for quality. Size was chest to head high, but for
testing purposes I rode many waves in the waist to stomach high range. I had no
problem catching waves, in fact I think the lotus is superb at catching waves.
The acceleration on takeoff feels better than my standard and fatty. It likes to
go fast. Got the deepest tube I have had on a mat today, on a screaming stomach
high wave! I made 4 rifling sections and then back doored into a tube deep where
the lip was hitting in front of me and came out dry. The DRP rail really held
in nice. If I had to compare the old bottom to the new bottom, I would say the
old bottom is better for all out trimming on the flattest parts of the wave
where the mat is sitting flat on the water, but the new bottom is better when on
rail. I like them both, so now I am contemplating getting a DRP Fatty and DRP
standard so I have the best of both worlds!
Forgot to mention that I "demoed" the Lotus to a bodyboarder. I rode
the "wave of the day" on his uber-high-end bodyboard and was shocked at how
inefficient and harsh riding it was. The mats just soak up so much bump and chop
that you have to ride a booger to really appreciate the difference. The booger
was also much slower than the mat, this coming from a very experienced
bodyboarder (in a another life and a long time ago). Not that you didn't know
all this already :)
Thanks again for rushing the Lotus, just in time for the first real waves in a while!
Hi Paul
Our mats arrived today in tip top condition. We are super super stoked with them. Only problem is we are having storm surf for the next couple of days. Oh well. It can’t last for ever.
Thanks Heaps
Thanks Paul! Will let you know how it goes for sure. My son Luke may not be
able to get out for a while but we'll definitely try and take pictures when he
Hey Paul,
got the three Fattys today. Thanks! Can't wait to hit the surf with
Gonna be a blast!
Hi Paul,
Tried the Omni DRP, Yesterday at 4 foot
sucky beach breaks it went excellent, I did not over inflate it and like all
Omni’s they go great.
I’ll get Adam to send some photo’s when
they are available.
Regards Eric
Hi Paul
John and I had our first surf on the
Mats today at our local point break. The waves were biggish, about head high and
a bit and the crowd was fairly intense and a bit cranky. Didn't worry us. The
mats went so well. I know we have much to learn, but it was an unbelievable
amount of fun. Can't wait for the next session.
again for making these fine vessels for us.
Thanks Paul Monday post will be great, my husband's name is Paul But his nic
name is GRUB so if you could put GRUB on the mat that would be great, thank you
very muchly
Regards Jenny
Regards Jenny
Hi Paul,
The surf mat arrived and my boyfriend cannot wait to get it into the water. Unfortunately, the surf was blown out today so any plans to hit the beach were aborted (the surf cam is checked daily). I'm sure the surf will pick up in the next few days and there will be one very happy guy in the water.
The surf mat arrived and my boyfriend cannot wait to get it into the water. Unfortunately, the surf was blown out today so any plans to hit the beach were aborted (the surf cam is checked daily). I'm sure the surf will pick up in the next few days and there will be one very happy guy in the water.
Thanks again and have a great

Hello Paul
got a few good days on the mat the past few weeks one day was large
about 8 foot or so and long rights with a few sections the mat slipped fast
across the flats with no loss of speed and pulled me back into the wall locked
and rocketed me mid wall glide tell the next section.
I was riding it at a
complete fold over but not floppy I would grab the outer front corner and rise
and fall I loved how it held the wall and take off when released. I also rode it
at a L bend and a 45 I could really feel the grab in the wall and off the bottom
in these inflations so I swam over to the sidewalk a steeper more hollow wave I
rode it at a 45 and it held solid keeping me right in the pocket through a few
The few other
days surf was smaller rode it full bend and it took off on these little 4 foot
peelers thinking for me the full bend and soft L are the inflation I liked on it
also tried different flips but I wont get into that my udts worked well and the
ducks for smaller days need more swell and a bit for time on it for sure I'll.
Keep you posted
thanks PG
Hi Paul,
That mat just arrived. Thanks, i look forward to trying it over the Christmas weekend
- Neil
Hi Paul,
That mat just arrived. Thanks, i look forward to trying it over the Christmas weekend
- Neil
Please send some waves along with my new Lotus!
Surf Sister
Hi Paul,
The Omni arrived last week. Thanks for the speedy service! I have taken it out twice already and the speed has blown my mind!
In the past, I have surfed pretty much every surf vehicle known to man! But I have never experienced speed like I did on this surf mat! On a couple of overhead waves I caught, the mat just reached the bottom of the wave and hit some sort of 'turbo-button' or something and just took off and flew! I grabbed to big fist fulls of mat at the front the first time it happened because I felt like I was going to take off! I cant wait to learn how to utilize this speed like I've seen guys do on 'youtube'! It's going to be so much fun!
It's not just the speed that was a surprise either. I caught one wave that held me in the lip a little too long and then bottomed out over a shallow inside bank. I was in the lip thinking I was going to get hammered when the wave hit the shallow bank, but when I started free falling the mat then seemed to suck onto the wave face and change it's shape to fit perfectly to the contour of the wave and then hurl me down the face like a roller-coaster ride at amazing speed and then out and around the section! What other surfing vehicle can do that? No other surfing vehicle is flexible enough to change itself to the shape of the wave and then utilize the energy of the wave like that.....amazing!
Anyway, I can't thank you enough for the mat Paul. Not only has it given me this incredible surfing experience but it has also opened up a whole new world of surfing opportunities in a area that has already reached surfer saturation point (Gold Coast). On-shore, cross-shore, off-shore....all fine! I'm planning to hit the "Super-Bank" next time it's on-shore with no one out!
Thank you Paul,
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