I'm going on vacation to Rhode Is. (Narragansett) via Boston, MA
Anyone point me in the right direction? A right point?
Totally clueless about the East Coast.....
I'll be packing 4GF Fatty/fins/suit, just in case I see something.
Perhaps some early EC footage for the mat movie?
Thanks in advance for your input!
Check out Point Judith. Its a rocky point by the lighthouse. It can be a long right especially if there is a hurricane pumping swell up that way. I'd join you for a mat but I'm all the way down in NJ.
If your staying in Naragansett then you have a jetty right up the road called Monahans pretty good wave and then further up the road is Point Judith park right before the light house.
I would check out Matunuck it is about 15 min. away and is a great cobblestone reef/point they call it little rincon.
Have fun.
With a name like Matunuck, it's gotta be good! Like a little Rincon huh? Hmmmm.....
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