I'm still angling to get Don Redondo out on his mat in our comic strip. I've done some sketches of Don Redondo mat surfing, in case Drew writes it into the story.
I feel that I can get some of the mat riding nuances into a drawing that can't be captured in a photograph. These are just sketches, but I think they work!
Take care,
Great stuff, Tom!
One thing, though...Don Redondo uses Churchills?
Tom, I was going to ask when Don was going to show up on a mat! Looks like you are way ahead.
I don't think Don gives much thought to his fins.
In Drew Kampion's words: Don Redondo is a sort of beach bum with a beach house. To some he would appear to be a throwback to the bygone era of 1960s surf culture wandering in the twilight zone between Kennedy and Nixon, between Dick Dale and Led Zeppelin; to others he’s a mythopoetic retro-dude rescued from some beach-town alleyway on the way to That Seventies Show. In fact, he is Don Redondo, the legendary Malibu surfing Kahuna – a New Jersey transplant with a West Coast philosophy and an East Coast attitude. He is a man of infinite wisdom and great stupidity, a man whose grasp is greater than his reach, and his reach is longer than both his arms put together, and then some.
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