Here's some random pics of mat-related stuff you can feel free to submit to Surfmatters.
I've really enjoyed the "Mat Master Manuel"'s a hoot! I know we've never formally met, but I've felt we've been kindred spirits of sorts over time. I'll never forget the mat sequence of you and George out at XXXXXXXXXX XX, for Greg Huglin's Fantasea! Those moving images were seared into my memory as a teen.
I graduated from Corona del Mar H.S. in '81. I grew up riding rental Hodgmans at CdM as a kid. After they kinda fizzled in the late 70's, it didn't dawn on me that the Hodgman supply would soon dry up, and the imported vinyl ones weren't cutting it quality-wise. During the mid-90's I had a couple of attempts at building my own mats. Some were successful, others not. I've got a background in machining/fabrication in the aerospace industry so, naturally I like to tinker around when I've got "down time."
The mat collection (yes, I've been collecting them over the years) comes to about 20 mats total!

Needless to say, I'm stoked on mats! Always loved 'em, always will. There's so much going for them, only another mat rider can truly relate! I'll try and keep more vintage mat stuff coming your way!
Take care,
Jonathan J.
"I've really enjoyed the "Mat Master Manuel"'s a hoot! I know we've never formally met, but I've felt we've been kindred spirits of sorts over time. I'll never forget the mat sequence of you and George out at XXXXXXXXXX XX, for Greg Huglin's Fantasea!"
Thanks for the props, JJ! The check's in the mail! (Wait a few days before you cash it, OK?)
Super mat quiver.
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